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Thanksgiving in Paris

My family (Mom, Dad and 13 yr. old daughter) will be in Paris during the Thanksgiving week. While we expect that the tourist crowds will be "less than usual", I was wondering if anyone has any direct experience of this time of year at the major sites and maybe an idea of what to expect.

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12040 posts

"While we expect that the tourist crowds will be "less than usual"..." Sort of. Although you won't see as many tourists from other countries as you would during the summer, during any US holiday, there is usually an uptick of American visitors in Europe. So, don't expect huge crowds at the tourist hot-spots, but you'll hardly be on your own.

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75 posts

We were in Paris at Thanksgiving three years ago. We didn't find long lines anywhere except the Eiffel Tower. The city definitely wasn't "deserted" but no place we went was packed. As it was our first time in Paris, we did all the big "tourist" sites. The only time we stood in line was for a taxi after we visited the Musee d'Orsay. It was pouring rain that day, so we weren't surprised that there was a line. We always tried to get an early start and the day we visited the Louvre, the museum was not at all crowded for the first hour or so. Enjoy your trip and don't fret if there are lines -- you're in Paris after all ...

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19 posts

Thanks for all the replies!

I kind of expect the weather to be wet and cold, but, as you say, it's Paris! So who cares about the weather.

I've been there in all kinds of weather, but this trip is the first for my daughter, so I'm excited for her to see the sites. We are just going to take things as they come and deal with it.

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13 posts

We were in Paris Nov 7-16, 2009. The weather was often cloudy, rare rain, some some, surprisingly mild.
No crowds or lines with The Museum Pass. Except the Eiffel Tower on Sunday Nov 15. Stores also crowded on weekends. Long line for the Pompidou on Sat but with Museum Pass no wait at all and the galleries there were not crowded. Watch out for crowded weekends. Try museums that are open late. Everyone eats in Paris after 9 PM.

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19 posts

Thanks again to the replies!

I have been in Paris for two days now, and my wife and daughter will join me tomorrow.

It rained some today but yesterday and this morning were cool but dry.

I spent all of last week in Belgium and have been very surprised at how mild the weather has been: very little rain and moderately cool. Even went without a jacket most days.

So...hopefully the weather won't be so bad for my girls!

Will post again when the trip is complete.