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terrorism in spain

my boyfriend and I, we were planning on going to barcelona on march 8th, is it safe to go to barcelona?

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7 posts

you are right, that means that they are alert and watching the safety of the country, thank you!

Posted by
683 posts

Barcelona is much safer than cities like Dallas, Houston, Atlanta or Miami. Terrorism is a rare thing, just as it has been here. Enjoy Barcelona

Posted by
1158 posts


Europe is much safer then any city in the US.
there are a few countries that have some problems, like areas in Russia and UK, but still you shouldn't worry about any country in Europe.
However terrorism can happen anywhere, even in Mr. Bush's TX.

Posted by
7 posts

but its been on the news,that a week ago,the barcelona police catched 10 islamic terrorist with intentions of bombing the high speed train in barcelona.

Posted by
9363 posts

Claudia, if you are that worried about it, don't go. No one can predict when such things might occur, and if you let the news keep you from visiting places, you'd never go anywhere. The fact that they caught people planning something already makes it safer, doesn't it? Don't worry about it -- it's safe.

Posted by
1158 posts

Germany has terrorists too.Years ago I used to go to Germany a few times per year, even lived there for a while, and I've never had a problem.
As another porter said, instead being stressed out all the time , don't go.
It's "good" news when they catch them.

Posted by
964 posts

Hi Claudia,
I just came back from a month in Spain, and it's a beautiful country. Like everyone else has said, terrorism really isn't a threat there.
However, Barcelona has a bad reputation for pickpockets, especially in Ramblas, so be a bit careful there. Most hotels seem to have a safe in each room, so you can leave things like your passport and cash in safety.
Have a great trip!

Posted by
990 posts

Would you go to New York? Or London? Both have had major terrorist attacks.

There really is no place entirely safe from terrorism. If Oklahoma City is vulnerable, where could you ever go to avoid it entirely?

A much more serious deadly threat at home or abroad are auto accidents. Even if you don't plan on renting a car, you will be a pedestrian. Be alert and careful crossing streets, just like you would in any major city.

And, as the last poster said, pickpocketing is a scourge in Barcelona. Don't assume it can't happen to you--if you read the travel scam section, you'll hear tales of woe from a number of victims. Wear a money belt, keep your valuables in the hotel safe, and leave nothing in a purse or wallet that you wouldn't mind losing and you'll be fine. I've been to Barcelona three times, spent plenty of time using Las Ramblas as a strolling route, and never had a problem.

Posted by
4 posts

I was in Barcelona when the terrorists were caught. I'd suggest not staying in the Raval area (Paral-lel street).

Posted by
7 posts

our plan was to go to rome, starting from barcelona on the 8th, then make our way to rome by train;my boyfriend is running in the rome marathon on the 16th and then we are going to check out a few more cities.Im from mexico and been in the u.s. for 3 years, so I know what is to live in difficults cities, specially the border but my boyfriend is an american and hes very sensitive about terrorism, so long story short, we are staying just in italy. thank you for everybodies advice!

Posted by
9363 posts

There were terrorist attacks at the Rome and Vienna airports years ago in which about 20 people were killed, too. While it's obviously your decision, avoiding terrorism isn't a good reason to miss a beautiful city like Barcelona. It can happen anywhere.

Posted by
8 posts

"Europe is much safer then any city in the US."

This is not true. Statistically, this has no basis. You don't read the papers, watch the news, or live for long periods in Europe like you do at home, so your view is skewed. We had a terror attack plotted on our town just a few months ago. Never had one on our town when we lived in the states.

All places have an equal chance of terrorism. You can't let possibilities of terror, pickpockets, etc. keep you from seeing the sights. Just be smart. Dress to blend in, avoid sketchy neighborhoods, don't carry luggage or wear clothing that pin points you as an American. Enjoy your travels!