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temperature/what's open in central/southern Provence in late Feb/early Mar

We're traveling to Paris and parts of central and southern France in late February/early March. Does anyone know how closed down the smaller towns are this time of year? Are wineries open? We're trying to decide how to budget our time and wonder if it makes sense to focus more in larger cities (although we really enjoy smaller towns...). Thanks.

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267 posts

According to EuroWEATHER, the average temperature for the area (ex. Nîmes) is somewhere around 7-9C in Feb/March. Of course, you should adjust the averages depending on your proximity to the Alps and the Mediterranean at the time of travel.

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251 posts

It all really depends on what you are hoping to experience, and what you want to do. Keep in mind these towns are first and foremost real towns, with real people, they go about their business, go to restaurants, take their kids to school and shop. Etc... The only closures that I ever really notice are seasonal ones where weather is affected (ferries to small islands, mountain coaches, lighthouses etc..) Part of my job used to involve travelling to wineries and I never experienced too many closures, but you might need to call ahead first.

I have also done quite a bit of x-c skiing in the Massif Central area in February, and it is a different way to see France.

As I have mentioned . I love the Cote d'Azur in the winter and early spring. The yachting season hasn't started, the tourists have come yet, and you will find that even St. Tropez is a very charming village.