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Tegel Airport to Savignyplatz?

What are the options for getting from Berlin's Tegel Airport to the immediate vicinity of SavignyPlatz? Rick's Germany Guide Book list several options for getting from the airport to Bahnhof Zoo but I am not sure if the busses would be stopping at SavignyPlatz, or would it be just as easy to catch a taxi, and if so what is the best way to catch a taxi at Tegel? Any guesses on what the fare might be? Thanks

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337 posts

Savignyplatz is just one S-Bahn station west of Bhf Zoo but there is, to my knowledge, no direct bus line from the airport to Savignyplatz. Take a bus (X9 would be best, I think) to the Zoo and ride one station with the first S-Bahn going west. There is a cab stand at Tegel airport. Taxi fares in Berlin are standardized by the city, but the formula is quite complicated. It takes both the time and distance into account as well as other factors like the number of passengers.
But it is a driving distance of around 10 km, so I would expect a fare of roughly 20 euros for two passengers with Rick-style luggage.

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14580 posts

Hi, What I would do is to take the TXL bus from Tegel to Berlin Hauptbahnhof, get off at Invalidenstraße, (all the food vendors and Imbiß are there ) right front of Hbf, then at Hbf take any of the S-Bahn going west, eg., Spandau. As pointed out above, Savignyplatz is the stop after Bahnhof Zoo. At Savignyplatz station you'll see two exits: Savignyplatz and Kantstraße. No need to take a taxi unless you want take it at Hbf.

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337 posts

Tegel airport - Hauptbahnhof - Savignyplatz (~30 min) will take a little longer than Tegel airport - Bhf Zoo - Savignyplatz (~20 min). Certainly an option if you want to see the main station (= Hauptbahnhof = Hbf), but not optimal if you want to check in and drop off your luggage as quickly as possible after a long flight. And the Zoo station, while older and more worn down, is also smaller and much easier to navigate. Many people find the Hbf quite confusing, and I personally would prefer to explore it without luggage if I had the option. The Hbf isn't between the airport and Savignyplatz, it is much more to the east. So the cab ride Hbf - Savignyplatz isn't that much shorter than Tegel airport - Savignyplatz, because Hbf is a detour.