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Teenagers Shopping in Paris

I'm thirteen years old and I'll be in Paris in 2012 with three of my cousins. We want to shop not only for souvenirs but also for ourselves(clothing, shoes) We would like to know where we would be able to shop on a budget.

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9432 posts

There's a really great and very hip clothing store called Delaveine at 49 Blvd St. Michel. Prices are low. My son has loved that store since he was 15, he's 21 now and still loves it.

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2030 posts

Try the Rue du Rivoli in the area a couple of blocks in either direction from the Hotel de Ville (Paris city hall). Can't miss it. There are many reasonable stores along this stretch such as H&M, Zara, etc. I've shopped there often.

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1986 posts

Also try the department stores. An experience

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1068 posts

BG mentions the Rue de Rivoli - and is correct! It is an awesome place to shop. I would steer clear of the main old arcaded shopping strip (this part: except for souvenirs and inexpensive trinkets. There are more tourists than local people, and it can be a real rip-off. The best "fast fashion" shopping on the Rue de Rivoli is between Rue de Pont Neuf and Blvd. Sebastopol. There are TONS of cool shops, and great bargains. For clothes, try the H&M at 120 Rue de Rivoli, and the C&A at 126 Rue de Rivoli. (This is heresy on this board, but I will mention there's a McDonald's on that block if you want the ladies room or a quick bite - TONS of teens hang out there, so it is a great place to meet people and scope out what Parisians your age are wearing.) Very near H&M and C&A are many other cool stores to check out - Etam, Promod, the Gap, and lots of others. Next, you can stroll down Rue des Halles to the Forum des Halles, which is basically a giant, amazing mall just CRAMMED with places to shop and eat. The area around the Forum is also packed with cute little shops, great fast-fashion boutiques, places for street food, and lots of kids. You'll have a blast and find plenty of great stuff that won't break the bank. Have fun!