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Teen Travel

Im a 16 year old girl traveling to Lyon, FR on my own to visit family. I am only traveling alone for the flight portion of the trip and I am being received at the Lyon Airport. I have one 10hr layover in London. Any tips for the flight portion of my travel?
Thank you

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2030 posts

Bring snacks, ipod or other music you like (but don't play it so loud it disturbs others), or bring some books or crosswords to entertain yourself, try to take a nap on the plane, wear comfortable clothes for sitting a long time (no tight jeans), pay attention to the flight safety demonstrations and know where the exits are, excercise in your seat and walk around as much as you can, pack light and carry on your luggage, be courteous to your seatmates, relax and enjoy -- but keep all your valuables (passport, credit card, etc.)in a moneybelt -- and with the layover in London you might enjoy all the shopping available at Heathrow.

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11507 posts

Kate I flew alone from Vancouver B.C. to Amsterdam when I was 13!!! ( same reason visit family ).. I loved travelling on my own( still do many decades later).

Bring good book, food, gum for chewing when plane takes off and lands( so ears don't plug), IPod, and neck pillow. Do as suggested by BG and do not wear tight jeans, they will be so uncomfy to sleep in. Do, try and get some sleep on plane. Drink lots of water or juice on plane ( you can get dehydrated easy and it will give you a headache) . Avoid coffee, tea, and cola( caffiene).

Do not wear socking feet into bathrooms, gross wet floor in there ,, do bring warm soaks to wear on plane, it gets cold.

Have fun,, and yes, bring 20 pounds or so to shop a bit in airport in London.

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15961 posts

You've been given good advice regarding things to do during your flight. Let's talk about changing planes.

You didn't tell us which airport in London you're going to nor which airlines you'll be flying. This is important because you may have to change terminals but hopefully not deal with immigration.

If you let us know what airlines you're flying the entire route and which airport in London, we can give you good instructions on how to get between your flights without any problems.

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6 posts

I am traveling from Chicago to London Heathrow and then to Lyon. From Des Moines to London I am flying American Airlines and from London to Lyon British Air. I have never flown internationally before and I am concerned about customs, having to drag my luggage around Heathrow alone etc...!!!

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15961 posts

Don't worry...we're going to make it easy for you. Luckily, American and British Air are partner you check in in Des Moines, you will check your bag through to Lyon. Make sure whatever you want for your flights and stay at Heathrow is in your carry on bag as you won't see your checked luggage until Lyon.

When you get to Heathrow you'll arrive at Terminal 3. Your flight to Lyon is from Terminal 5. (This might change when you fly, but the procedure is the same.) When you get off your plane at Heathrow, do not go through immigration or customs. Follow signs that say "Flight Connections."Go to the "transfer desk" and tell them you need to get to Terminal 5. You will then take a bus to Terminal 5. You're staying "airside" since you are only connecting through Heathrow and not officially entering the country.

Here is the Heathrow Airport website:

Heathrow Airport

And here is a website about Flight Connections at Heathrow_

This Flight Connections website will walk you through everything you need to know. And if you have any more questions either post them or send me a PM.

And make sure you have a few British pounds with you so you can either shop or at least buy something to eat during your layover.

Posted by
6 posts

Any suggestions for customs? Getting through quickly?! tips...?

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15961 posts

You won't go through Customs in the UK, only in Lyon.

When you arrive in Lyon, you will first go through passport control (immigration), and then customs. At passport control, they will look at your passport. Then you go colletct your luggage. Unless you have something to declare, you just walk through unless they stop you.