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Taxi Service at Bayeux Train Station

We are traveling from Toulouse to Bayeux on Friday, 9/9. Train won't be arriving in Bayeux till a quarter past 9 PM. Does anyone have experience with taxi service here at this time frame? Will there be taxis there? I know Rick's book leaves numbers to call for taxis and it is a Friday night so it's a good bet the train will have other tourists looking for a quick lift. But if you had first hand experience it would be very reassuring. I know it's a quick walk to the hotel, but I can get hopelessly lost on a shorter walk in broad daylight. Unfamiliar town in the dark with luggage could spell real KAYOS. Thanks for your posts! Jim

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10524 posts

In smaller towns people often call a day or two ahead to reserve their taxi. That way the taxi will be there waiting at 9:15 when you arrive. These are often small owner/driver operations. You might want to do this or ask someone in Toulouse to do this for you.

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14790 posts

Hi, I was in Bayeux at the end of July, got in by train from Paris at ca. 1300. My suggestion is that once you exit the train station at 21:15, go across the street to the Hotel de la Gare, a hotel and restaurant, to inquire and call for a taxi. I found the restaurant personnel very helpful. It's about a half an hour walk, maybe less, to the centre ville There might be taxis already at the station, that I don't recall, since it was daytime; otherwise go to Hotel de la Gare.

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10524 posts

@Fred You must be incredibly charming and they must have loved your accent because no French person would dare ask a hotel to call a taxi to take them to someone else's hotel, especially during their lunch service. My French husband would have walked through snow, through sleet, through flooding sewers, well maybe not the sewers, carrying the luggage before asking a favor like that. Mr. Charm.

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14790 posts

The hotel personnel never found out my charm in French since I had no need to call for a taxi when I was there...never spoke to them. I only had lunch at the restaurant. After that I walked to the centre ville and need for a taxi.