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taxi from Kehl to Strasbourg

To save money on a rental car, we took suggestions on this helpline and booked pick-up & drop in Germany. How much will it cost for a taxi from Europcar office on Allensteiner Str in Kehl to Strasbourg TGV train station and how long will it take? The distance is 5 to 7 miles, depending on the route and it will be a Sat am in December. Thanks.

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The Europecar location is about a kilometer from the Kehl train station. On Saturday, the trains to Strasbourg leave at 6:53, 7:52, 8:52, 10:22, and 12:24. The trip takes 12 minutes and costs 3.90 euro per person. So worst case, you could call a cab to take you to Kehl station, then ask the cost to take you to Strasbourg. It should not take any longer than the train on a Saturday morning.