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Tapas Bars in Madrid

I've searched Trip Advisor, Frommers and Fodors (my Rick Steves guide has been ordered but not delivered) and I still have a question regarding Tapas bars in Madrid: Are there a string of good ones along 1 or 2 streets? I don't want to hop buses to get to all of the places recommended in the guides.


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638 posts

Seems like I'm his advirtisement company because I recommend his website quite a bit but check with He has lots of information on Madrid and Spain in general, he's an expat American that lives in Madrid and can give you some great information if you post on his message board. In fact, don't be surprised if you get an opportunity to get together for a tapas. Seems like many on that site schedule get togethers all the time in Madrid!

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3261 posts

Barry, I checked out the Madridman website and it's great!

Lane, Plaza Santa Ana is a good location for tapas bars--it's a lovely square surrounded by lots of fun tapas possibilities.

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118 posts

Last October a group of us did a Tapas crawl in Madrid. We used the Rick Steves Spain book as a starter. He has a list of Tapa Bars that we used as a starter and once we picked up steam, we branched off of his list. It ended up being one of those nights that brings a smile every time I think of it. You will have a great time. I think the more people you can get together for the night the more fun it will be because if it is arranged so that each person takes a turn and pays for drinks and Tapas in one stop, the cost gets spread around.

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37 posts

Thanks for the suggestions! Will definitely look over the site.