My husband and son are huge WWII buffs and I found this museum in Saumur (Loire Valley). Has anyone visited it? It sounds amazing with hundreds of tanks from all different countries. It will take us on a detour and I would like to confirm it is as good as it sounds! Any info/feedback on visits would be greatly appreciated!
It's not a real old museum and a lot of stuff is not actually tanks, but tank destroyers, tracked guns, armored fighting vehicles, etc -- stuff that looks like tanks. A buddy and I stumbled upon it a couple of years ago -- he's a former dirctor of a major american military museum and he thought it was very well done.
Not sure where you'll be but Diekirch Luxembourg has a great WWII museum.
Thank you both. We are going to be in Normandy, Brittany and Loire before heading to Paris. My husband and I have visited the WWII sights in Normandy before and been to the Loire, but this time our kids are coming and I thought the tank museum on the way to the chateau would be fun for father and son (13)! I think my daughter and I will wander the town while they admire the tanks, etc!
Deanna, I have indeed visited the Musée des Blindés and it is DEFINITELY a can't miss for anyone with an interest in WWII armored hardware. Housed in one museum is a comprehensive collection that only exists in bits and pieces elsewhere.