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Switzerland This Weekend

Just wondering if anyone can help me out. We are flying into Zurich on Saturday and have 3 days to spend in country before departing to Bologna. We had planned on going to Murren but the weather isn't looking great there. Wondering if anyone knows of a place to spend 3 days while doing some day trips? I realize it may not be nice there for these activities but our ideal would be hiking and mountain biking with some train and cable car rides thrown in. Also, if you know how to get to Bologna from your selected base, that would also be helpful. We don't have anything booked yet and the bulk of our trip is spent in Italy so the Swiss portion is wide open. Thanks and I sure do appreciate all of the help given to everyone on here. I have been reading for a long time!

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32325 posts

Stephen, One possibility you might consider is Lucerne. It's a beautiful city, with lots of interesting sights. In addition to touring the town, you could visit the extensive Museum of Transport, take a day trip to Mount Pilatus or perhaps a cruise on the lake. Travel from Lucerne to Bologna is very easy by train. For example, I found a train departing at 08:18, arriving Bologna Centrale at 13:20 (time 5H:02M, one change at Milano Centrale, reservations compulsory). Happy travels!

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1986 posts

Lucerne- one day in town, lots to see at a gentle pace and all fairly close togther; lake cruise and one of the mountains Riga/Piltaus. Thats a gentle three day. personally i would probably want to get into the country onnthe third day (depending on the weather).

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12040 posts

I haven't looked at the forecasts, but if weather in the Berner Oberland isn't looking so good for the next few days, check out the Italian Alps. Statistically, the weather on the southern side tends to be drier and sunnier. EDIT: Looks like the forecast for most of the Alps (didn't check Slovenia) will be cool and rainy this weekend. Thats the luck of the draw with Alpine weather for you.

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3 posts

That's why I love this forum! Had not even considered Lucerne. I'll begin my research. Thank you.