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Switzerland-Suggestions of where to go...

My husband and I are planning a whirlwind trip through Europe and would like some advice on where to go/see in Switzerland. We will be there in September and would like to go snowboarding ( if possible ). We'd also like to see the Mattahorn as well. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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11507 posts

I have been to Switzerland, to Zermatt , to hike to the hut on the Matterhorn. My dad actaully summited the mountain years ago, so he has taken many trips back to visit the hut and just see the mountain again, plus he visits the grave of the guide that he made a summit attempt with one year, and failed..

I loved Zermatt, there were many great day hikes, on trails that are well marked, and lead through some amazing scenery. The town itself is a tourist dream of what Switzerland should look like, chalets with the window boxes filled with gerainiums, goats in the pastures, etc, very ,very expensive though. You must take a train to get to Zermatt, no cars except for locals, and even then I think they were electric. We drove, so I can't help with train routing.
There will be no skiing or snowboarding though, too early.
From Zermatt there is a train you can take to Gornegrat, which is an amazing view point high in mountains, you will be looking into Italy and France on a clear day.

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2951 posts

Hi Cierra,

If you'd like to see the Matterhorn, then Zermatt is the place to go. If it's not a "must see" or you have a few days, then I'd suggest the Berner Oberland. While the Matterhorn, Zermatt, the Gornergrat tip, etc. are all great, in my opinion, nothing compares to the Berner Oberland. We stayed 4 nights in Wengen and it's simply a magical place.


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61 posts

On Wednesday we were up on the Jungfraujoch in the Bernese Oberland and people were skiing up there. I am not sure if you are able to snowboard, but that may be somewhere to look into. Try looking at as well.