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Switzerland in early May?

Hi fellow travelers - My boyfriend and I are traveling to Switzerland and Italy May 5-19 of this year. We're going to be in the Berner Oberland region May 7-10. Is this a good time to go? Bad time to go? I know most of the high altitude towns will be quiet, but we'd rather hit the hiking trails than do the touristy stuff. We're staying in Murren for May 7-9 and probably Interlaken on the night of May 9 since we need to hop on the train early the next morning to head to Italy. So, my questions are 1. Are most of the hiking trails open? 2. What is the weather like this time? I know it is unpredictable, but is it still rainy/snowy or are the flowers starting to bloom?
3. What train do you suggest we take for three days in Switzerland? I am thinking the Swiss Rail pass, but I could be wrong! Any advice is welcomed! Erin

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12040 posts

"I know most of the high altitude towns will be quiet, but we'd rather hit the hiking trails than do the touristy stuff." They're quiet because most of the businesses (hotels, restaurants) are closed. Not sure exactly what you mean by "touristy stuff",because Mürren's main reason for existence is providing food and lodging for tourists in winter and summer. "1. Are most of the hiking trails open?" At Mürren's altitude, yes. Some of trails can be quite muddy,though. "2. What is the weather like this time?" Anything from mild to cold. It's also the rainiest and foggiest time of year. That's why most of the businesses are closed. It can snow at any time of the year (I've seen snow in late June in Austria),but it usually doesn't accumulate in May.

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32257 posts

Erin, While Mürren may be a bit "quiet" at that time of the year, you could also stay in either Lauterbrunnen or Interlaken and use that as a "base" for touring the area. You might check Weather Underground for historical weather patterns at that time of year. While there are never any guarantees with the weather, I'd probably go ahead with the visit. Check the Switzerland Guidebook for information on hiking trails, other attractions, towns in the area, costs for Cable Cars and other transportation and lodging suggestions. If you decide to stay in Interlaken, have a look at Balmer's Herberge. If you decide to stay in the Berner Oberland, the famous Mountain Hostel in Gimmelwald would be a good choice. Happy travels!

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4 posts

Thanks for the advice. When I say touristy stuff, I mean we won't be doing museums, guided tours, etc. We'll be doing everything on our own and trying to live like a local for a few days while there. I understand the high altitude towns closing for that time of year. It IS the off-season, after all. The reason we chose this time of year to go is because it is the best time of year to go to Italy! We had to sacrifice somewhere, unfortunately. And since we'll be in Italy for the majority of our trip, that took precedence. Anyway, I am still very excited for our trip. We'll make the best of it! I will keep my fingers crossed for cool, dry weather :-) Erin

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12040 posts

"and trying to live like a local for a few days while there." I really don't think you'd want to do that. The last time I was there around your time frame, the residents were busy fertilizing the pastures. They accomplish this by spraying liquified manure with a power hose. Don't be afraid to be a tourist and enjoy some Alpine hikes. Unless you'd rather take a turn with the manure hose...

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4 posts

Yuck! Maybe I WILL be a tourist, then. ;)

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19 posts

Erin, Did you decide to take your trip to BO region in early May? I have plans to go May 1 - 4th, and am starting to second guess myself. I have very limited time in Switzerland & want to experience the beauty of the alps, scenery and some relaxing hiking....but I'm just not sure if I should risk it. Are you going to go? Where did you find decent rates to stay?