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Switzerland -Bernese Oberland

I have a little over two days to spend in Switzerland and I was thinking of spending all of that time in the Bernese Oberland region. However, I just checked the weather and there is rain in the forecast for one of the days. Unfortunately this has dampened my spirits. Would folks recommend to stay away from this region when it is raining? My plans were as follows:
Day 1: Train from Zurich to Interlaken - Lauterbrunnen - Wengen- Mannlichen (hike)- Kleine Scheidegg - Jungfraujoch (will skip hike if weather is bad) Day 2: Lauterbrunnen - Murren - Schiltorn --- currently rain is in the forecast on this day. I am planning to stay in the Spiez area and will leave early morning on the third day back to Zurich to catch a noon flight. If I stay in Lauterbrunnen, I will have to leave for Zurich late evening on day 2 otherwise i wont make it in time for my flight. Any thoughts on whether I should visit the Bernese Oberland area when it is raining or should I explore other regions in Switzerland??? (I can always fly in and out of Geneva too). Thanks.

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32274 posts

Vivien, While the Berner Oberland won't be quite as scenic if the weather is inclement, I'd still continue with your original plan and visit Wengen and the Jungfraujoch on one day and the Schilthorn on the following day. The weather you describe is about the way it was when I was in that area last September, and I still had a nice time. While visibility of the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau may not be as good, it's still nice to sit in the revolving restaurant at the Schilthorn and have a fine hot meal. One bonus is that it probably won't be crowded. What time is your flight from Zürich? Happy travels!

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48 posts

Hi Ken,
Thank you for your response. My flight out of Zurich is a week from today around noon. -Vivien

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32274 posts

Vivien, Although it's a bit more "risky", you could stay in Lauterbrunnen the night prior to your flight, as long as you're prepared for an early start on flight day. There's a train departing Lauterbrunnen at 06:43, arriving Zürich Airport at 09:16 (time 2H:43M, 2 changes at Interlaken Ost and Bern). Of course, staying in Zürich would be "safer" as the trip from the main station to the airport is only about 10 minutes, as I recall.

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48 posts

Thank you Ken. At this point I have not yet made any hotel reservations, but my preference is to stay in Spiez or Thun since there is a direct train that will get me in under 2 hours to Zurich! I would love to stay in Lauterbrunnen, but like you said... it is risky!

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32274 posts

Vivien, The Swiss rail system is VERY precise, so the "risk" would be extremely minimal. To use an old saying, "the rail system runs like a Swiss Watch". Cheers!

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7209 posts

Ha - There's really nothing risky at all about the Swiss Rail System. You want to see what risky REALLY looks like - take a trip on the French or Italian THERE's risky ;-)

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48 posts

Ok!! I get it! Swiss Rail Systems can be trusted! :)

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324 posts

Vividness, My wife and I were in the Berner Oberland this past June. We stayed 4 nights in Murren. Unfortunately, we were unlucky and had rain 3 of our 4 days but but the last day was fantastic. We altered our plans on 2 days. As we woke and checked the weather finding that rain was predicted all day we went into backup plan mode. One day we went to Luzern and the other day to Bern. Both cities are nice and worth visiting. Of the two, we preferred Luzern. If the weather is real bad you might consider these as a potential backup plan. Enjoy your trip. Tom

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32274 posts

@Tom, Were you typing your post on a Smartphone with a goofy auto spell checker (you typed "Vividness" as the name)?

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324 posts

Vivien, Sorry Vivien for butchering your name. Thanks, Ken. Yes, I was on my iPad and didn't catch the typo!

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48 posts

Ok... so I just got done with an AMAZING and AWESOME Switzerland trip! Thank you @Ken for recommending that I stay in Lauterbrunnen.
I did just that. In fact my hotel was right across the train station... which was very convenient. As you and Tim have said, the Swiss rail system is amazing and no risk at all!! All trains were very much on time. I took the 6:33AM train out of Lauterbrunnen and made it to Zurich by 9:15AM! which gave me plenty of time for my noon flight. Besides the train rides, the weather was pleasant as well. It was clear skies in the day time and rained the last night that I was there. @Chris... you were right about the weather website! Going forward I will research on the Swiss based weather sites. Besides, the weather changes so often, that there is no point in worrying about it until you get there!! @Tom, thank you for suggesting a back-up plan. Thankfully I didn't need it, but I will keep it in mind during my next trip! no worries on the "vividness"!! Thank you everyone! My first trip to Switzerland was amazing and I am totally going back!

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32274 posts

Vivien, I'm pleased to hear that you had such an awesome time in Switzerland. Which hotel were you in? Did you manage to get to the Jungfraujoch or Schilthorn? When you get a few minutes, you might post a brief summary in the "Trip Reports" section. Like most of us here, I'm sure the next trip is already on the drawing board. Cheers!

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48 posts

Hi Ken.. I stayed at the Hotel Silberhorn in Lauterbrunnen. Just like I had planned, on the first day I visited Wengen - Kleine Scheidegg- Jungfrau and on the second day I was able to visit Murren and Schiltorn. I will post a trip summary shortly! Thanks,

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656 posts

Vivien, I have another post about visiting Switzerland and the Bernese Oberland area. I have been looking for hotels in the area. Did you like the Hotel Silberhorn?
And is it easy to get to from Interlaken?

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548 posts

Vivien - I am wondering the exact same thing. Thanks for your help.