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Swimming pools/water parks/playground for 5 year old in Germany

I will travel (by car) with my mother and 5 year old daughter to Germany and Salzburg in early July. We plan to travel from Berlin (wouldn't be my choice with a 5 year old, but my mother will be there for the month of June), Rothenberg, Salzburg (daughter loves Sound of Music) and probably stay in Bacharach and tour 2-3 castles/take a boat or train ride. My mother and I travelled these areas in 2000, and I feel I have a good sense of tour activities that will be of interest, and not overwhelming for an active 5 year old and a senior. We have 2 weeks. Since I didn't travel with my daughter last trip, I did not check out swimming pools/water parks/playgrounds or other structures for down-time fun. Can readers comment on the availability of water or playground activities in the travel areas I listed? Thank you!

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9363 posts

I know there is a public pool on Leopoldskronstrasse in Salzburg, just down a block or so from the Schloss Leopoldskron.

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There is a park in Bacharach where the boat line docks that I seem to remember having a small playground area. Take her to the Zoo in Berlin or Salzburg. There is a huge park with different play areas in Berlin, as well as small ones in neighborhoods. You can check with your hotel to see what they know about their area. Rothenburg has a community pool that is supposed to be wonderful.