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summer ti lodging availability

25 years ago we traveled throughout Italy and Alpine regions during July. We never had a reservation but relied on TI's to recommend lodging as we arrived in every new city. This summer we are traveling the same regions including France this time. Is it still OK to travel without reservations? Are TI's still as reliable, particularly in France?

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12172 posts

I think you can travel without reservations anytime. As long as you aren't overly picky about where you stay, you will find something. Times have changed, however, and TI recommendations aren't what they once were. Now TI's aren't there to help you find lodging, as much as to sell hotels that pay them to direct business their way. TI's will still find you a place to stay in a pinch, but you're likely to pay more if you rely on their recommendations. When I travel, mostly shoulder season, I start by making a list of decent places to stay everywhere I expect to stop. Usually, I start at and build a list of a combination of top choices, budget options, and b&b's. I'll call the morning before I arrive and book the first reasonable option available. Sometimes I call a few places before I find a place, but rarely get to the bottom of my list. My backup is to use guidebook recommendations. My backup-backup is to use a TI.

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2 posts

That's good information to know. We liked staying in small places -zimmer frei, pension- and were hoping for the same.