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Summer in Spain

Any ideas on where to stay in Spain for approximately 2 months? I'm having a hard time finding reputable websites. I've backpacked Europe multiple times and am looking for a new experience staying in one place for an extended period of time. Thanks!!!

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9110 posts

La Coruna, Lugo, Asturias - - anywhere along the western part of the north coast. La Coruna itself is a pretty interesting small city with lots of spots within easy striking distance.

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1178 posts

For a new experience, check out will learn more about Spain in one week there than you will in traveling the country. Seriously, suggest you check out the site, participate if that is your thought, meet the people of Spain on a one-to-one basis and then travel somewhere for the remainder of the time.

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984 posts

If websites for a rental property, all you are likely to find for a short rental of two months, without being 'on the ground' in Spain, are what you 'google' with 'holiday rental Spain' or permutations. You may be able to negotiate with owners of holiday rentals, as you want several weeks more than the normal. However, if by 'summer' you mean July and August, why would they, when they can almost certainly receive a greater income. Surely you should be working with your vision and what you want from this 'Spain' to find accommodation in a vicinity and looking to testimonials.