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Suggestions on my Intinerary??

I saw another thread about critiquing an intinerary so I thought i'd copy that idea (giving credit where credit is due) - I've gotten great suggestions thus far and would love to know what everyone thinks.

Paris - 4 nights - day trip to Versailles. 1/2 day at the Louvre. Walking tours (Notre Dame, other highlights.)One evening we'll do a nice dinner, it'll be an all evenig affair - drinks before hand, Eiffel Tower after.

Epernay - 2 nights - Vineyard tour(s). Champagne tasting. Relax and enjoy Champagne.

Brugges - 2 nights - Beer tour. Eat mussels. See Bruges and all of its glory. Drink lots of Belgium beer.

Amsterdam - 3 nights - Ann Frank House, Van Gogh museum, - what else shall we do...

Munich/Fussen - 3 nights - A whole day seeing Ludwig and assorted castles. Beer garden - what else shall we do?

Interlaken - 3 nights - we'll be enjoying the outdoors - rafting, kayaking, and/or cannyoning. Any suggestions?

Nice - 3 nights. Spend time relaxing on the beach - enjoy old Nice, eat some great food, and relax before we move into our apartment in Florence, Italy.

I'd love suggestions on where to eat - accomodations are pretty much taken care of (we're doing hotels and hostels). We want to eat, eat, and eat some more from street food to gourmet. We want to see the sights, do the tourist things but we want to explore European life and culture.

All thoughts, suggestions, and tips are greatly appreciated in advance!


Posted by
4132 posts

This is a thoughtful, fun itinerary.

I would not sleep in Interlaken, but in the mountains. Though your list of activities, which include no mountains, suggests that may be a matter of taste.

You have some rather long hauls on this trip, as you no doubt know.

Have fun!

Posted by
2779 posts

How are you traveling e.g. from Amsterdam to Munich? If by rail or car you'll pass the Rhine and Mosel river valleys anyway...

Posted by
19232 posts

As for Munich, I don't think you should have any trouble filling your time there. Last time I was in Munich with my wife, we spent four nights. One of the intervening days we went by train for a day trip to Salzburg. The other two days we found more than enough to see in Munich. We didn't go to Neuschwanstein/Hohenschwangau since we had already been there.

Posted by
81 posts

Sounds like so much fun. I loved walking/hiking and seeing the mountains in Switzerland. It's so easy to take a train or gondola ride up to the mountains. That was one of my favorite trips.

For Amsterdam you might think about a day drip to Harlaam or another city. I found a day in a half there was plenty to see the sights. I enjoyed a canal boat ride there too.

Posted by
174 posts

Thanks for the suggestions and comments.

We have worked our long haul trips the best we could. Amsterdam to Munich is an overnight train, it leaves around 22:00 and arrives I believe around 8am. Munich to Interlaken is a 7 hour day trip - we are most likely going to opt for the morning train and relax and enjoy the scenary. Interlaken to Nice is the longest, 10 hour max trip, unfortunately it's not offered in the evening so it'll be our only day spent on a train. It won't be bad, it'll be time to relax and rest because we'll definitely need it!

We've looked into maybe going to Harlem, but haven't decided just yet if we're going to - that might be an impulse decision.

Posted by
4132 posts

Harlem is very pleasant, and handy--we've used it as a base from which to visit Amsterdam--but you may find more than enough to do in A'dam itself.

One thing I enjoyed very much in Amsterdam was to rent a bicycle near the station and spend most of a day riding, both in the city and across the Amstel to the north, following a route from the TI. (There is a free ferry.) If that is the kind of thing that appeals to you I recommend it very much.

Posted by
12040 posts

If you really want to splurge on an unforgettable meal in Brugge, try De Karmeleit:

No mussles, fries, or beer here (you can always walk over to t' Brugs Beertje afterwards for beer), but a truly incredible meal. If you consider eating here, bring a shirt and tie for the men, and dress for the ladies.

Posted by
174 posts

I'd love to splurge on a mean however I don't have an extra E240 for a meal, if I did i'd be there in a heartbeat.

Posted by
12040 posts

I can tell you, though, that food was worth every last euro!

Posted by
223 posts

If you like art museums, Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum is great.

Posted by
408 posts

Hi JB,
In Amsterdam you can take a day trip to the country areas by bus. Delft, Alsmeer for the flower auction, wooden shoe factories. I also enjoyed the night canal tour with the wine and cheese. In Munich I took Mike's bike tour of the city. It was alot of fun and you stop and drink beer at different beer gardens along the way. I also enjoyed the Hitler walking tour and the Beer and food tour in the evening. I got the information from Rick's book. Andechs monestary was also a fun day trip. (My favorite beer). The Berner Oberland is awesome. I love the trip to the Jungfrau and the Schilthorn. I like the hike down from Murren to the bottom. The Ballemberg outdoor museum was also nice and the steamer is fun on Lake Brienz. (all covered by the swiss pass). Have a wonderful trip.

Posted by
1568 posts

Amsterdam....My suggestion would be to take a Water Taxi from the Ann Frank House to the Rijksmuseum which you should not miss. Then walk the short distance to the Van Gogh Museum.

Interlaken....Take a short train ride (Interlaken OST) up to Lauterbrunnen then up to Murren and have lunch. You will not be disappointed.