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Suggestions from an actress about where to eat in Paris

It's often asked for ideas about Parisien restaurants. A friend sent me this article for my entertainment since I hardly ever eat in the city, unless it's at my mother in law's...Obviously Gwyneth Paltrow has a bigger budget than many of us, but she does list places "with no tourists, off the main track, etc"..which sometimes is one of your prime criteria.

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75 posts

We also had dinner at Fermette Marbeuf in November 2007. Great experience. Absolutely beautiful decor and wonderful food. We had asked for a quiet table and were seated accordingly in a nice quiet corner table. Staff couldn't have been nicer. We plan to go back when we go again in 10 days.

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207 posts

In 2006, we had a fabulous meal at LaFermette Marbeuf
5, Rue Marbeuf 75008 Paris tel: 01 53 23 08m 00. We were taken by friends who live and work nearby. Rue Marbeuf is about three blocks form the Champ Elysee and near Avenue Georg Cinq. The restauarant was once part of a hotel and then it's most spectacular room was sealed off in the late 1800's I believe as the rest of the building became a warehouse. Some years ago, the room was discovered and a restaurant prepared around it- picture amazing stained glass, a ceiling of curved glass such as you might find in a royal greenhouse. Supposedly, it is a favorite of TV and other personalities, yet our price fixe in '06 was about 30 Euros for three excellent course with many choices. The wine list had some moderately priced choices in addition to a good list for the wine conossieur. If booking, ask for the special glass room. The owner was so nice that she gave us a menu for our memories. George Werner, Pittsburgh

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8293 posts

George, thank you for the recommendation. We will be in Paris in May and for a special birthday I have just succeeded in making a reservation. Merci mille fois.