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Suggested Route? Germany to Normandy

We will be driving from Ramstein to the Normandy Beaches this mid October - taking about 1 1/2 weeks and would like to take time driving to and from visiting WWII sites and other places of interest. Been to Tier, Reims, Metz. Not plan to go to Paris. No kids. Any suggested route and places?

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2400 posts

You can also stop in St. Avold, can't exactly remember location but I think between Metz and Strasburg. Largest cemetery of US servicemen KIA in WWII in Europe. The cemetery is called Lorraine.

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7083 posts

As long as you have a good amount of time, you could drive south down to Strasbourg and Colmar and the Alsace wine area before going up through Nancy and Reims to the Normandy beaches.

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14580 posts

Hi, Are you interested in seeing the war sites associated with the British, Germans, and French too?

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12040 posts

Visit the cemetery at Epinal. It only averages a few visitors a day.

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20490 posts

How about Bastogne for the Battle of the Bulge? If you do go south to Colmar, look in at the "Colmar Pocket" museum in Turckheim. The plaque on the church in Kaysersberg commemorates the liberation by US 3rd Infantry Div. in Dec 1944.

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44 posts

Thank you Was thinking of going through Luxemburg City and then Bastogne, but I wonder if that makes the driving route not direct. Yes Fred, would be interested in the other nationalities as well. Neil

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14580 posts

Neil, In Reims I take it that you have seen the museum in the building where the German surrender to the West was signed...that inconspicous building. North of Paris is Beauvais which has a military cemetery connected with the breakout from Normandie. It's located beyond the cathedral. Depending on which route you take leaving Germany for France, I suggest going to Koblenz, if you're interested in ordinance, specifically German ordinance. But with one and half weeks that might not be possible timewise. If you push it, you could reach Dieppe to see the Canadian Memorial or La Rochelle. In some of the beach towns in the Pas de Calais area (you divert that way) you'll see pill boxes, etc.