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Suggested driving route from Seville to Marbella area

Can anyone suggest a driving route from Seville Airport to the Marbella area.
We want to go thru the "White towns" and end up the day/evening in the Marbella area.
We are renting a car at Seville airport around 10am and want to spend the day visiting the towns and stop for lunch someplace.

I know we want to see Arcos and Ronda but I don't know the best route or what other towns we may be able to visit.

We will be traveling the end of November.


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4555 posts

Mary, check your personal messages for a suggested routing.

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189 posts

Say Norm...would you mind sending me your suggested route too? except that we are ending up in Malaga for one or two nights. we also would like to see the white towns.
