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Stuff to do in Spain?

I'm starting a month long trip off in Spain. Specifically Madrid and Barcelona. Three days a piece. It will be at the end of Feb. Any suggestions on things to do? I don't know very much about this area and would like to avoid tourist traps while still having a great time. Thanks for the input. :>

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23547 posts

Either go to your local library or buy some guide books and do you own homework before asking questions that are nearly impossible to answer. No one knows what you like to do or see or not to see. What you budget is? A month is a long time. A more appropriate question might be -- between sight A and sight B, which is more interest? etc.

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354 posts

With just two clicks of your computer mouse, you can see Rick Steves' Madrid/Barcelona suggestions on this very website.

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172 posts

Like wine? Go to Rioja. Like food? Go to San Sebastian’s (“Donostia” in Basque). Like history, culture, architecture, or have a spiritual nature? The follow the shells, “The Way of St. James” to Leon and then to Santiago de Compostela. Like wind? Go to Tariffa. Visit my personnel blog to sse pictures and get more ideas:

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3635 posts

I suggest that you buy the Cadogan guide, "Spain." This series is extremely comprehensive, so you'll be able to find just about any attraction available in any area you wish to visit. We have also found their restaurant and lodging recommendations to be very reliable; and, for most locations, they list a range of prices from budget to luxury.