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Studying abroad, Seville- sept thru dec

Hello! I am a 20 year old female studying abroad in Seville Spain from early September to late December (right before Xmas). I have a couple main questions Shorts- yes I know it has been discussed but I seem to find its only about men. Is it ok to wear jean shorts/Bermuda shorts that go to my knees? I have dresses and skirts (above the knee just a bit) I want to fit in, but also be comfortable in the heat. And I know not to wear them inside churches. But how about for general sight seeing and walking around? Also, euros.. My mom says its better to exchange my money at the airport in Europe. My dad says get at least some here. Honestly the whole converting and what not just confuses me. Any suggestions where to visit as well? Will have free time every Friday through Sunday to travel outside the city. Sorry for rambling :)

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17603 posts

Congratulations! You are in for a wonderful experience. On the euros, do not exchange money at the airport. The rates are bad, and you would have to carry a large amount of $$ to do that. Use an ATM to withdraw euros when you get into the city. Find an ATM that is attached to a bank, and use it during banking hours in case there is a problem. Take care that no one is standing near or tries to "help" you. It IS a good idea to bring some euros along to start with, so you do not have to find an ATM when you are tired and burdened with luggage. We take 100 euros (Chase bank has a good rate if you are a customer). Be sure to go to Granada and visit the Alhambra.

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24 posts

Notify the Bank that you will be using your ATM card in Spain between Sept-Dec., otherwise they will reject your ATM transaction. Enjoy your time in Seville, great place.

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389 posts

I found this on another blog about studying abroad in Seville: "It's really easy to pick out who the Americans are now because we are all wearing shorts and tank tops (I think 80 degrees calls for summer clothes don't you?) But all of the Spaniards are still wearing jeans, boots and sweaters." Seville is a pretty sophisticated place, and, in general, very few European university students ever wear shorts to class. That said, there will be plenty of tourists wearing shorts in the warmer months.

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655 posts

It is good to arrive with a few euros in hand - say 100 or so. After that, IF you have prepared properly you can withdraw them from a local ATM as you need them. Don't use airport money exchanges unless you have to - their rates are less favorable. Remember, you can use your Visa card if you have notified the issuer of your travel plans before you depart the USA. Contact the place you'll be studying regarding typical dress standards there. Tourists wear casual, comfortable clothes but you may find other standards for your classes. There are many travel options from Seville - do you have the RS guide? Granada and Toledo are two easy ones.

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11294 posts

Unfortunately, neither of your parents has the best method for getting euros. As said above, you will probably want to arrive with 100 euros or so, obtained here in the US. After that, use ATM's in Spain (having told your bank, before you leave, the dates you will be in Spain). Not only is this safer than carrying lots from home, and cheaper than any other method (including changing US cash at an airport, either in the US or in Europe), but for 4 months, you will need far more than you can carry with you. When my sister did a year abroad in London (actually September to June), my father periodically deposited dollars in her US account, and she withdrew this as pounds from the London ATM's. This worked very well - almost. The only problem was that the exchange rate at the time was almost 2 dollars to the pound, and London was exorbitantly more expensive than Philadelphia (where he was). She kept calling saying she needed more money, and a) he didn't always believe her, since he had just given her money and was using a Philadelphia "yardstick" to measure how much she should need, and b) he didn't always have more to give <g>.

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70 posts

Get some euros before you go. Most banks will order some for you for no fee. Then use ATM as people have suggested. Seville is beautiful. Granada and Cordoba are close and an easy train ride away. Enjoy!