Is there train service from Paris to Strasbourg?
What are good hotels in Strasbourg?
Yes, there are direct trains from Paris gare de l'Est to Strasbourg in under two hours. There are also a couple of through trains per day from Charles de Gaulle airport. You can search for and book tickets at and if you book 90 days in advance you can get very cheap tickets. However, they're limited to specific trains and if you miss them you will have to pay full fare, so this may not be safe if you're flying into Paris and going to Strasbourg immediately.
I'd highly recommend the Hotel Gutenberg in Strasbourg.
"What are good hotels in Strasbourg?" You'll get more useful responses if you define what you are looking for in a "good" hotel, and give your budget in euros.
There are a lot of hotels in Starbourg because of the Parliament, I recommend the Hotel des Arts, it's very well located and offers a lot of services. The adress is 10, place Marché-aux-Cochons 67000 - Strasbourg
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Second Hotel Gutenburg
When I was last in Strasbourg, at about this time last year, the Gutenberg had been all gussied up and didn't look like the same charming hotel I've stayed at before. Check their website to see if it looks like a place that would interest you.
Also, check to see if your dates coincide with the (usually) once-monthly seating of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. During that week, hotel rates skyrocket, so you will be much happier if you are able to plan around it.