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Stpeter Stiftskeller- (Salzburg) anyone been there?

My family and I have reservations at Stpeter Stiftskeller on Christmas day in Salzburg. I know in our Rick Steve's travel guide, he mentions that dinner is usually 10-25Euros/person. However, based on that price we are not sure what to wear to this restaurant. Is this a dress-up, suit type of place, or could we get by with the men wearing nice jeans/slacks and dressy shirts? If anyone has been there and can share information on attire and your overall impression of the restaurant/food, that would be great. Thanks so much! Amy

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6788 posts

We went a few years ago and although I went in extremely skeptical (rolling my eyes), I was ultimately charmed by the experience. The food was actually pretty decent, and the music was quite nice to my ears. I went with what could best be described (charitably) as "business casual but rumpled". No need for a suit and tie - as long as your reasonably clean and neat, you should be fine. Remember, they live off tourists. See if you can get seated up front. You will end up sharing a table with other guests - be outgoing, and be prepared to mix it up with other travelers - we shared a table with some older ladies from Sevilla, an Australian couple, a businessman from Japan, and a few more I don't recall. Since half the table spoke Spanish and half the table spoke English, and I was the only one there who spoke both, I ended up having to do a lot of translations. It was fun. Even though it's completely touristy, I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. Heck, how many other places can you dine where Charlemagne once ate? Hope that helps. Have fun.

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2023 posts

Business casual is fine and I don't recall anyone wearing dressy clothes. we enjoyed it and the food was fine. we shared a table with folks from Dallas and Ireland-maybe eight to a table. There is a shop in Salzburg in the old town that has the most amazing hand painted eggs-decorated for every occasion-Easter, Halloween, Christmas. Enjoy your visit!

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25 posts

Thanks for the information. It has been very helpful. We leave tomorrow, and we are very excited to see Austria at Christmas time. Thanks again,