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Storing luggage while on the Rhine cruise

Hi we will be traveling from Wurzburg to Mainz to catch the KB rhine cruise at 845 AM. We are booked for the hotel castle in Oberwesel that evening after the cruise. I'm not sure where we can store our 2 suitcases so we can get off at different stops along the cruise. Any suggestions!

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19099 posts

There are lockers at the Mainz Bahnhof. I don't know about Bingen, probably not. I don't expect small stations on the Rhein (Bacharach, St. Goar) to have lockers. Boppard might. Koblenz definitely will. With what Schönburg charges they should not only check your luggage for the day, but wash and press your clothes while you are out.

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8947 posts

Where will you be getting off the boat? I would just take the luggage with me, and store it on the boat. Or will you be catching multiple boats that day, getting off one and getting on the next one that comes by? Perhaps a better option is train to your hotel, drop off your luggage and then go out cruising the river. If you are wanting to visit multiple towns though, riding the trains up and down either side of the Rhine is much more efficient and you will see all the same towns as the boat does.

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19099 posts

It's a common misconception that the Rhein boats are like a series of trolleys at 10 min intervals that you can just hop on and off at will. Go to for the schedule. Following the 8:45 boat from Mainz, there are just three more boat the rest of the day down the Rhein. The next boat, an hour later, doesn't go all the way to Koblenz, but it does go to Boppard, which is probably far enough. After that, two boats, following the 8:45 boat by 4 and 6 hours respectively, go all the way to Koblenz. So, if you get off the 8:45 boat somewhere, you'd better not stay over an hour, or you'll stay for 4 hours. And, if you get off the second boat anywhere, you'll have to stay for three hours. I was so fascinated by Rheinfels that I spent 2½ hours there. With the trolley up and walking down, I probably spent over 3 hours, and that doesn't count lunch. But then, St. Goar is only 5 min by train from Oberwesel.