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Staying in Fussen

Hi, my girlfriend and I will be Fussen for two nights. We're two college students trying to save money while still having privacy. We would like our room to be private but don't mind sharing a bathroom. Food is optional. I've looked at House LA Fussen but we can only get a 3 person room and are hoping we can finding something a bit better for our price range. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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23 posts

Unfortunately I don't have any personal experience to help you but just a suggestion. Check out I checked just briefly and it looked like there were some private rooms that would fit into a smaller budget. Happy travels!

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5 posts

I've tried that website and others for online booking. Everything is a bit more pricey than I'd care to purchase. I'm hoping for more of insider suggestions. Thank you though, I appreciate your time!

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7209 posts

I'm guessing that you're there to see the castles and not just Füssen in particular. When we go to this area, and we've been here several times, we always stay in Horn-Shwangau which is at the base of the castles and about a 8 minute drive to Füssen. Horn is a beautiful little area with lots of green pastures, cows, bike paths and nice views to the castles. Why don't you search in that area in addition to Füssen? Look at this place in particular:

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294 posts

What time of year are you going? You might be able to find something by showing up without a reservation at a good price.