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St Jordi Day in Barcelona - whats open?

It looks like I will get to be in Barcelona on St Jordi Day (St George). April 23. Anyone know if any museums or touristy places open or will it be a nice big street party city wide to participate in? Thanks

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10 posts

I too will be BCN on that date. I got a reply on tripadvisor from a gal that lives there about what the day will be like. She said it will be festive but no parades or things like that. Everyone works that day as usual but they tend to be in goof-off mode for the day. There will be tons of stalls of flowers and books for sale. That day is for guys to give women flowers and women to exchange books to their guys. In the evening everyone will be out on the streets having a fun time socializing. She also said the government offices of City Council and Generalitat Palace will be open to the public that day, which I guess is not the norm. At noon there will be a concert of the bells at Generalitate Palace. Hope this helps you, I planned my visit to be in town for that day! I love flowers!!!! Jackie P.S. maybe we'll run into each other, have a great trip and let's say a pray for all sunny days!

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769 posts

great - thanks very much for sharing the info! sounds like a nice idea flowers and books - something everyone can use more of!

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324 posts

More than a party, St. Jordi is a celebration. In other words, don't look for rowdy crowds of revelers. Many book stores will have guest authors signing their works, flower sellers will have a field day, and the pickpockets will do even better than the flower sellers. Las Ramblas is an amazing sight during the whole day, but as noted, be careful with your wallet. Apart from that, things are pretty much business as usual throughout the city.