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St-Denis Basilica/Cathedrall

I have read that the neighborhood is "marginalized." Not sure what that means, so need to ask: is it safe to visit St-Denis via metro from Paris during the day? Has anyone heard anything negative or have any warnings about metroing there for a day trip? Thank you to all who respond.

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4412 posts

Absolutely go! (be sure your camera's batteries are fully charged...don't ask me why...sniffle...) As you travel from the center of Paris to the St Denis stop, the train compartments' demographics change; you're not in Touristy Paris anymore! It's a long ride; take a newspaper or book to read like everyone else will be doing. The walk from the metro station to the church is a block or two...very easy. And it's a busy part of town, meaning you're not walking down a lonely alleyway. I had no concerns. Just watch your stuff there, and on the train, as usual. I traveled there alone 1 1/2 years ago, and if you're comfortable riding around Paris on the metro by yourself, I don't think you'll have any concerns going alone. You may possibly be the only person in the church. A striking contrast to Notre Dame... If you think you might like the Basilica, I predict you'll LOVE it! Allow alot of time to peruse everything. You could spend 45 minutes alone on one of the front doors...DO learn some of the history behind the world's first truly gothic building... The square in front of the Basilica has several restaurants; I didn't eat there, but there were some tourists and a lot of businessmen-types eating at the sidewalk could also bring a sandwich or simple picnic to eat there. BTW, the long-lost head (presumed) of Henri IV will be reinterred with his body at some point during a funeral in they said in December 2010...don't expect an invitation...

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104 posts

It's safe to go there and well worth the time. Rent the audioguide and tour the crypt. I love history and did a lot of reading on the history of the French monarchy and this helped it all come together. I really have never understood why this isn't mentioned in more guide books for Paris. I will be going back in May.

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11 posts

Hey Tex in CA. Loved your response. Much appreciated. Had our camera (with all our pictures on it) pickpocketed in Provence (sniffle back atcha). Lesson learned. Thank you for details. Already mapped out the metro line. It's a go!

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11 posts

John, I agree. I just read about it in a Steve Berry spy-treasure-Napoleon thriller. The author desribed St-Denis and then I read more on internet and I'm hooked!
Thank you to anyone else who responds.

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4684 posts

The areas with the bad reputation around St Denis are the housing projects where you should have no reason to go - the central district around the basilica should be fine.