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Spain or Italy- which one is more economical?


I am planning a trip to Spain or Italy in May/June of next year or August. I would like to stay in a resort area. Which country is more economical (or cheap!)?

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683 posts

While it is not "cheap" compared to places like Poland and Portugal, Spain is MUCH less expensive than Italy.

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1358 posts

Most people go to those countries to see the sights...not to save money. I suggest you research both and decide which one interests you.

Avoid travel in August because many Europeans take vacation in that month.

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586 posts

Spain may be cheaper--I, too, believe it is--but Italy is MAGICAL. If you've been to neither, I would start with Italy, even if you shave a few days off the stay to balance out the cost, and follow up with Spain next time around. Nothing at all against Spain--we're traveling there this New Year's--but Italy is...well, there's nothing like it in the world. Venice, Florence, Siena, the Amalfi Coast. We started our European travel with Italy, and really had to discipline ourselves to visit other places, afterward! For a relaxing beachfront experience, perhaps try Cinque Terra (Monterroso al Mare) or Positano on the Amalfi Coast. Stresa, north of Milan, also appears to be cheaper than Como, and is nestled along the Italian Alps. Buon viaggio!

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4555 posts

In Spain, you'll find a culture like no other in Europe. The mixture of Moorish, Jewish, and Christian history creates something undefinable....the lure of Andalucia, flameco, the nightlife....unbeatable in western Europe.

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655 posts

Hi Anne,

I think that in times past Spain was less expensive BUT we were there for four weeks this year and I feel that now they are very much the same. IF you are renting a car, Spain can actually be more.

The big problem is the decreased value of the US$ and that will be the same in either lcoation.

I suggest that you go to the place that appeals to you most and that eventually you will likely get to both of them.

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410 posts

Spain is definately cheaper than Italy in terms of drinking and eating although I would not call it cheap. Neither are cheap countries and staying in a resort area will almost guarantee higher prices, especially in August.

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6788 posts

The word "cheap" can no longer be used to describe anything in western Europe, at least for us poor saps who earn our salaries in the once-mighty US dollars.

Really the question is "which is less expensive"...

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4555 posts

Anne....Here are some general price they say in the ads, your actual results may vary ;). Weekly rental of a sub-compact car out of Rome, 249 Euro....out of Madrid, 166 Euro (out of resorts like Malaga, 106 Euro, including NO DEDUCTIBLE.) Fuel prices (as of July,) Italy 1.54 Euro/litre gas, 1.60 Euro/litre diesel....Spain, 1.23 Euro/litre gas, 1.31 Euro/litre diesel. Train travel...Madrid-Sevilla (520 kilometers, 2:35 journey time), 45-74 Euro...Rome-Venice (530 kilometers, 4:20 journey time), 45-56 Euro. While hotels are very difficult to compare, I use a couple of very comfortable 2-star hotels in Madrid that are between 45-50 Euro/night. "Resort" prices in the Spanish Costas can be very I know of will rent you a 1 bedroom fully-equipped unit on the Mediterranean for about 450 Euro in the May-June timeframe.