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Spain--Need help with planning a coulple of days...

for some friends that are going to be there. They asked me, but having not been to Spain my self, I told them I would post their questions here and let the experts on the helpline weigh in.

Has anyone traveled from Barcelona to Bilbao to visit the Guggenheim museum? Any idea how the roads are, what road/highway to travel on to and from Barcelona? The time it would take? Is there any stop along the way between Barcelona and Bilbao that you would suggest we see?

Is there a resort, town that would be a good spot to travel to between Barcelona and Valencia?

We thought about taking a ferry to Mallorca, any suggestions of where to stay on the island?

If we fly from Barcelona on the 10th to another destination outside of Spain for the two days, any great ideas?

As always, thank you for your help!

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281 posts

I am just moving this back up to the top as I have not received any replies and it is now on the third page. Any advice would be appreciated.


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3580 posts

EasyJet has flights from Barcelona to Paris. That's where I would go. You might look at the EasyJet site and see where they fly from Barcelona. Maybe something will catch your eye: Ireland, or...