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Spain - Marbella or Nerja??

We are trying to plan our first trip to Spain and want it to be extremely relaxing. I've worn my husband out on our previous trips so I promised hime lots of beach time. We had planned on basing our trip in Old town Marbella, but after reading around I was thinking Nerja may better suit us as we are more laid back and into small towns.

Do y'all think that Nerja is a good base? We fly in Malaga and will be 6 nights on the coast and then we head to Sevilla for the last two nights (and fly home from there). While on the coast I wanted to do day trips to Granada and Ronda. Other than that we want to just lay on the beach and explore the local area. Most importantly, I just want to relax in a town that has the Spanish atmosphere.

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324 posts

Nerja is definitely more "Spanish" than Marbella -- unless by "typical Spanish" you are referring to corrupt government officials and insane land management plans (Most of Marbella's previous town council, including mayor, police chief, etc., is currently in jail awaiting trial for one scheme or another.)
The old part of Marbella will give you a traditional feel, but it is much harder to find. You might also consider the beaches along the Granada coast -- Almuñecar and Motril. On your way up to Granada from the coast, there is a great restaurant in the nameless little town at the turnoff from the A-44 to the A-346 (Look for the huge dam construction project.) Also in Granada, the restaurant called los Poetas Andaluces has some of the best meat in town.
Enjoy the trip.

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964 posts

Hi Michelle,
I've never been to Nerja, but have heard really nice things about it, especially that it's very pretty and has a nice atmosphere.
I have been to Marbella several times, and while there's nothing wrong with it, I don't think it's what you're looking for, especially as you say you're more into small towns. The whole Marbella area is built up, with one coastal town running into the next.
Granada is wonderful! We just spent 2 days there, and wished we had longer. The Alhambra took a whole day!