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Spain Itinerary Question

Currently planning a Sept./Oct. trip through Spain plus Lisbon, Portugal. The northern Spain loop is about half the trip (so two weeks but might add some extra days as there is a lot here I want to see). I'm looking at Madrid first in mid-Sep., Toledo, Segovia, Avila (daystop), Salamanca, Burgos (possilby only a daystop), Pamplona, Zaragosa (possibly only a daystop) then Barcelona as my Northern Spain loop. I'd like to be in Pamplona during Little Fermin and in Barcelona during La Merce. Then head to Andalucia for a week and finish with a few days in Lisbon and surrounding towns. There are several stops on the bubble right now: Aranjuez - for the palace Leon - for the Cathedral and La Colegiata Villadolid - for Samencas Castle/La Mota, Medina del Campo The second two would be between Salamanca and Burgos and I would most likely choose one or the other rather than both. Aranjuez would probably be as a daystop enroute to Toledo (night in Toledo). My questions: Are the stops on the bubble worth a stop, how long (min./max) to plan?

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1178 posts

Suggest you check the Moon Guide To Spain - Candy Lee LaBalle...will have good information. I have traveled much in Spain, but not to the three locations you mention.

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9110 posts

I'm not sure how much of Aranjuez is open - - it probably depends on whether Juan Carlos is home or not. Quite honestly, the only time I was there a guy named Franco was still running things. Of the other two, it has to be Valldolid (note spelling). It has a heck of a lot more to offer and is well worth more than a quick stop. La Mota is the better of the two castles, but the whole province is loaded with them. Leon isn't worth more than a low pass.

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12313 posts

Thanks, that's helpful. Yes Valladolid and Simancas Castle - I need to clean up my notes. :)