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SPAIN inteneray help : how to get to barcelona from andalucia

hello! i arrive in madrid, will stay a couple days, then head south to toledo, sevilla, malaga (andalucia area). how would you recommend getting from andalucia to barcelona? it looks like the trains do not follow the coast,(which i would prefer), so is it recommended to get back to the AVE highspeed near cordoba and go back to madrid and then to barcelona? that just seems very out of the way, but this is my first time, so i really don't know. any suggestions are appreciated!! thank you!

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4555 posts

The fastest way would be to head for Granada (surely you're not going to pass up Granada and the Alhambra, being so close!) and take a cheap flight from there. clickair, vueling, and spanair all make this run, and if you can book a few months in advance, fares can be as low as 35 Euro. You could take the AVE all the way from Malaga, going via Cordoba and Madrid. But that will be more costly, especially if you don't have a rail pass, and take a lot longer.

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23 posts

norm, you are briallant!! thank you thank you thank you. i actually need the ticket for nov 8th, a bit last min., i know :) , but it still looks like it will be dramatically cheaper to fly!! yay! thank you so much, i really appreciate it!!