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Spain in summer

Looking at Spain/Portugal for next summer. Has anyone done Spain during the summer? Just too hot? Would June be that much better? We have to go during this time. Thx in advance

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23562 posts

It will be hot and could be too hot. It will depend a little bit on where. June would be better than July or August. North is cooler than southern Spain. The mountainous areas cooler than the lower plains. Spain is big country so it is difficult to give a generic respond for the whole country.

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358 posts

Several years ago we spend a week in Sevilla in late sept-early oct and the temps were >100 degrees. I would stay away from southern spain during the summer.

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176 posts

Maybe see in Portugal, fly to Barcelona and get a few days in there, and save the rest of Spain for anther time..

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1178 posts

Summer will be hot, hot, hot. I go in the spring and fall for that reason...and that is what the Spanish residents will tell you as well.

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410 posts

Summer is not necessarily hot, hot, hot. We live in Southern Spain and this year has been a very late and very mild summer. We have spent time in July in Seville and it was high 30's. Right now Madrid is about 30, which for August is quite mild. As others have said, Spain is a big country and you will get different temperatures in the North. Also, one person's hot is another's comfortable - depends on what you are used to or want. July and August are generally hotter than June. For me, June would never be too hot here.

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80 posts

If you can manage a visit to Spain/Portugal in June, do that. Not only will it be cooler throughout the 2 countries, you'll also have fewer tourists and shorter lines to museums/venues. Regarding Spain, Madrid, Salamanca, Valencia, Seville, and even Barcelona can be nasty hot. The southern Costa del Sol is generally very comfortable all year 'round. The northern coastal provinces of Cantabria, Asturias, and even Galicia can very pleasant - and even cool - in summertime. Regardless when you go, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful, memorable visit. Saludos, MadridMan @ you-know-where!

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177 posts

I did a trip to Spain and Portugal a few years back with my family and we went the last two weeks of July because that was the only time that the kids were free. It was hot in Madrid, Sevilla and Barcelona but we still had a great trip. The Algarve in Portugal had beautiful beach weather and it was mild in Lisbon.

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250 posts

We were in Barcelona, Catalonia (Cadaques, Pubol, etc.), and Madrid/Toledo during this past June. Barcelona and Catalonia were around 65-78F (unseasonably wet in Barcelona this year, I think). Madrid was generally around 85F. The day we flew out - June 20 - Madrid was starting to hit the mid-90's. Checking in on their temps during the past months, Barcelona generally stayed in the mid 70's to mid 80's, and Madrid was usually 90- something and frequently hit the 100's.

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110 posts

It really depends on how you can handle the heat and be on the move all the time. My first trip to Spain was in summer and I swore I'd never return to the country in summer, since then I've visited in spring and fall and much prefered it. If it's possible to visit at a different time of year, consider Spain for a future trip and plan a summer trip in 2012 to somewhere else.

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176 posts

Thx everyone. We have to go June-August, so we'll have to shoot for June. We want to spend time in Portugal as well, so maybe we will just spend a few days in Mardid and then head to the coast..

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1326 posts

I was in Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo, and Seville this year in late June and early July. Barcelona was nice the first couple of days, then became very humid. Madrid and Seville were hot but dry. I didn't feel it was unbearable but we did siesta some days in the heat of the day. As someone else said, some would find it too hot, others would tolerate it just fine.