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Spain, France & London - best bets for meeting interesting singles?

Greetings - Reinventing my life at 49! I am getting Business English TESOL certification in London during March- then 2 weeks in Madrid, Avila & Salamanca. I could also do a week in France somewhere. Ideas? Any ideas for meeting fun, interesting, handsome & worldly singles 40+ ? Outgoing, witty blonde gal-courageous solo traveler. Best destinations for meeting up with handsome, interesting taller men for friendship and hobnobbing?

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27 posts


Do you plan to stay in Europe for sometime?

I would recommend you to attend the Toastmasters Chapter of each city you will be & you will find nice people. Toastmasters website & webiste will direct you to find clubs in any part of the world

Mrs. Pilar Harrietha

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160 posts

If you walk all or part of the Camino Frances trail in northern Spain, you'll meet hundreds of singles of all ages. I walked it from St. Jean Pied-de-Port (France) to Santiago, Spain in the summer of 2007 and met a lot of great folks.