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Spain Cave Painting other than Altamira

We're not visiting Altamira Caves this trip. There are other, less famous, cave paintings in the country. I prefer something where you can see the originals without crowds. I'm considering the Pileta caves near Zahara - but I'm wondering if the paintings themselves, in those caves, are worth seeing? Anyone been there? Are there any others you would recommend?

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9363 posts

The last time I was in Spain, we went to Ribadesella to see the Tito Bustillo cave. You see actual paintings, which are really cool. It's free on Wednesdays, but the tour is in Spanish. I was with a Spanish friend, so he translated what I wanted to know (I didn't need the introductory stuff about how stalactites and stalagmites are formed, etc.). I haven't been to Pileta, though.

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12172 posts

Thanks for the response. It sounds like a good place to visit. I'm not going that far west on this trip but I'll keep it in mind for a future trip. I can live with a Spanish guide. My Spanish is so-so at best, I haven't used it regularly since I was a kid but I can normally get the gist of what I hear.