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Spain and Paris. Need advice!! Long question!!

Okay. I need advice. My parents want to go somewhere in Spain and to Paris. My mom is 78 with really bad knees. Limited mobility. My parents have always taken cruises before and they love them. I prefer land tours. So my mon says, "I want to go to Sevilla and Paris." I am doing the research. Paris in an apartment. No problem. But then I am thinking: should we do two huge cities? Will it wear them out? Should we do Paris and then like Nerja? How difficult is it to get to Nerja from an airport? Will you get true Spanish culture in Nerja or any seaside town/city? Is Spain relatively safe for 70-year-old- plus people with all of the pickpocketing and muggings I am fearful of? (which is funny because we visit San Francisco all the time, so logically that makes no sense.) Please help me see the light!!! I am driving myself nuts trying to find the right combo!!!

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683 posts

Sevilla is not a huge city, like Paris is. Paris is. however. remarkably easy to get around. Metro and buses take you everywhere and taxis are reasonable. Spain is safe- much safer than a large American city. If you mom wants to see Sevilla, why are you pushing Nerja?
Your parents will tell you if something "wears them out". Best thing is to pace yourselves and not do too much per day. BTW- how long will your trip be?

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89 posts

Thank you so much for helping me! Our trip will be 2 to 3 and a half weeks long. (Week in Paris apartment) I am ALL EARS!! So grateful for any and all advice!!

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3580 posts

Sevilla is a fairly flat (not hilly) city. Many streets are pedestrian-only. And a river runs through it. I found it very "user-friendly" and would recommend Sevilla for those with limited mobility. Check with a Rick Steves book for hotels; we stayed in the Santa Clara district which is close to many attractions and shopping. The flamenco show we saw was jaw-dropping fantastic.

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4555 posts

I agree with Paul n Sara, and Swan....Sevilla over Nerja, for all the reasons they advance. To get to Nerja, you'll need a car from Malaga or extra cost....and to get to any nearby place you may want to visit. When I travelled with my mother a few years ago (in her late 70's) I took along one of those aluminum fold-up stools for her to sit on when she became weary. I don't think I used it more than once, because she's pretty fit. But it might be something you may want to consider.

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340 posts

How great that you are taking Mom on such a trip of a lifetime. Take her where she really wants to go. Traveling with a 78 year old mom with bad knees I would be more concerned with the transportation in each and between each city than anything else. What ever city you choose, mass transit may not be a viable option for you in many cases. The metro is great, but many of the connections require long walks between trains and/or stairways (the escallators and elevators are often out of order) and many times they are crowded or you have to hop on/off quickly. That said, be sure you budget for taxis or a private driver (sometimes more reasonable if you will be moving around between many sights). Renting a car in Paris would be crazy. Also, you might opt for flying between the 2 countries rather than the train if you have not made that decision yet. If she is internet savvy, give Mom some aspects of the trip to research. Or send her to the library. Half the fun of the trip is planning it - keep her involved and it will mean even more to her.

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4132 posts

Sevilla is hot. Dry heat, but it hit 100 when we were there in late September. Wherever you stay will be someplace you will probably want to return to at midday. Just something to keep in mind.

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1455 posts

I didn't go to Sevilla, but we were in Barcelona, Madid, Segovia and Toledo. I felt perfectly safe in all 4 places. I think going to San Fran or even L.A. is more fearful (and I also live in Cal).

Just wear your moneybelt, and also in Paris, stay in the well lit areas with people. I would also carry a cell phone in case of emergency.

If you rent an apartment in Paris, be sure it has a "lift" (elevator). Most apartments are old and your mom will have to hike it up stairs.

Paris has a lot of Pedestrian areas, so she can take her time.

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410 posts

Nerja is a pretty seaside town but is very touristy all year round.

Seville is lovely and the old part quite accessible - the Santa Cruz area is one of the best to stay in. There are some apartments easily rented in that area as well. My advice would be to get an apartment centrally located so you can have a rest break easily. Look at

100 degrees in late September in Seville would be very rare.

As for the pickpocketing and muggings - I have no idea where these stories come from. Southern Spain is as safe if not safer than most places and the people very honest. Just take the precautions you would anywhere.

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324 posts

My mother is getting on in years as well (aren't we all?) and is intermittently wheelchair-bound. Thus also has real mobility problems. Nonetheless, Seville remains (after years of visiting me there) one of her favorite cities. This is probably because the city allows people to set their own pace for life, as well as the disposition of the locals to talk with "crazy old foreigners". While your mother might not wish to participate in the Sevilla Marathon, she will likely have a lovely time taking the trip at her own rhythm.

Liz -- Seville (and much of the rest of urban Spain) has developed a reputation for pickpocketing and petty car theft because of the frequent pickpocketing and car break-ins. While you say you've never had any problem with your car in Seville, try leaving luggage or a car radio in your car on just about any street in the city. I agree that there is little to no violent crime against tourists in Spain, and things should be taken with perspective, but I insist on the theory that one should never leave anything in the car that one isn't willing to lose. Seville, Madrid, etc are large, modern cities and the same precautions that are valid "at home" also apply here.

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89 posts

Thanks so very much for all the insight and advice! That settles it! Paris for a week and off to Seville via airplane for 5 days!! And I so much appreciate the insiders advice you gave on all aspects, especially my ridiculous worry about the safety of the city!! Logically I knew this, but I needed to hear it! We do wear money belts. But we don't wear them in San Fran. Isn't that ridiculous? Thank you all so very much!

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13 posts

If I did one city in Spain it would be Madrid. There's a lot to see and you can take easy day trips by train or bus to Toledo and Segovia. My wife and I found Madrid to be a lot more interesting than Seville and with a lot more to do. The Metro works well in Madrid so you don't have to walk long distances.