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I will arrive in Madrid June 9, late afternoon and depart 11:45 PM June 20. This gives me 11 full days. My travel partner has seen a lot of Madrid so I will only be seeing the most important highlights. I then know I want to see Seville and Granada. I fly out of Malaga on the 20th. I thought 2 nights Madrid, 3 Seville, 2 Granada and 3 somewhere in between. Suggestions for the 3 extra. I know I can train easily from Madrid to Seville. Any suggestions for the rest of the trip. Drive from Seville to Granada with stops along the way?

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629 posts

I would drive from Seville to the white hill towns of Arcos, Ronda, etc to Granada - very interesting and scenic. After Granada go down to the coast then loop back to finish up in Malaga.

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6788 posts

One question - where are you flying from? Newcastle, UK, or one of the many Newcastles in the USA? Only reason I ask that it could make a difference in terms of how much you'll be good for on your first day - if coming from the relatively nearby UK, then you can plan for a full day on Day 1. If coming across the ocean and all those time zones, you'll likely by jetlagged and at least half zonked out the first day or so. I'd do 2 nights in Madrid, then head for Sevilla on the fast train and stop for 3/4 of the day in Cordoba (it's easy to see the top sights in 1/2 a day as a stop), then continue on and spend the night in Sevilla. I might be tempted to only spend 2 nights in Sevilla - 3 would be great but there's other stuff to see that's equally compelling. Then grab a car and hit a couple of the Pueblos Blancos (1 night each in Arcos and Ronda) then head for Granada, drop the car upon arrival there and spend 2 nights (get your Alhambra tickets now). Can't help you with Malaga (I wouldn't spend any time there if I could help it). Hope that helps.