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Smoking on German trains and in Germany in general

I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I'm going to Germany next month and haven't been on a German train for years. I remember they used to have smoking and non-smoking compartments or cars. Has that been abolished? I was going to make a reservation on, but see no choice of smoking or non-smoking.

And, can you tell me what the general situation is nowadays in Germany as regards smoking in public, such as bars and restaurants?

I am a non-smoker and want to stay away from smokers as much as possible. Thanks.

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9336 posts

All trains are all non-smoking. Restaurants are non-smoking unless they have a completely seperate room that can be closed off. Bars of a certain very small size may choose to be either smoking or non-smoking but will have a prominent sign on the door stating this and will not allow people under 18 inside. Larger bars do not have this option unless, like the restaurant, they have a closed off smokers room. Outdoor seating, is for the most part allowable to smoke. Which frankly on sunny days, is packed with people and so the non-smoker is almost forced inside to be away from the smoke. Not ideal, but progress has been made.

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19351 posts

The Bahn is totally non-smoking now.

All, I think of the Länder (German states) have also passed laws outlawing smoking in restaurants, or at least requiring designated non-smoking areas. I think that law was challenged in Baden-Württemberg as placing a burden on small bars with not enough room for two areas. I did notice in the Black Forest last November a small bar with people smoking inside. However, in 2 weeks in November, I did not encounter a single person smoking in a restaurant.

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41 posts

I've been living in Baden-Württemberg for a few years now and besides outdoor areas, you really don't encounter any smoking in public places anymore. The trains and the strassenbahns are all wonderfully smoke-free now as well. I'm also a non-smoker and was overjoyed when the non-smoking laws were passed.