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Smokers and Nutcrackers in Switzerlan?

Does anyone know if anywhere in the Berner Oberland where they sell smoker and nutcrackers? Thanks!!!

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23342 posts

I saw them in most of the tourist shops and places specializing in Christmas articles.

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8961 posts

A "smoker" is usually a little man with a pipe in his mouth, and you open him up, put a cone of incense inside of him, light it and put him back together. Smoke then comes out of his mouth. Carved from wood in the Harz mountains. (Erzgebirge) Occasionally you will also see stoves or trains instead, carved to fulfill the same function. Think of it as a fancy, German incense burner. Some of them can be quite detailed, miners, carpenters, train conducters, and so on. I like them better than the nutcrackers due to these interesting details.

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375 posts

I can't tell you a specific shop, but if you are going to be there just prior to Christmas time it is even easier to find them, especially the smokers that look like St. Nick. My favorite smoker that I have is one where the smoke wafts off the plate of cookies that the jolly lady is carrying. Very cute.