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slashproof purses

Are they effective against thieves? Mine has a shoulder strap that has a metal cable in it.
It also has metal mesh panels front/back/sides/bottom. Will be using it for the first time in Valencia and Rome.

Posted by
23690 posts

It is over kill. The probability of being slashed is so low that it is not worth the cost or weight.

Posted by
10768 posts

I agree with Frank, but since you have one you might as well use it. Thieves, as in someone snatching your purse or cutting it off you, is not as common as being the victim of a pickpocket. Keep your purse closed and in front of you in crowded situations. Wear it crossbody and don't take it off and set it down or hang it from a chair and you should be fine.

Posted by
1840 posts

Purses are only slashed in Mexico, so they say. My wife has one because she likes the arrangement of the pockets, a concept I don't understand. Its heavy but it is durable and carries everything she needs to carry.

Posted by
893 posts

Slashing of bags is something I haven't heard of happening any time in recent history. Taking of the whole thing is happening. That, or ripping the cell phone out of your hand. Kid on a scooter usually. Happened to a police official in Paris not too long ago (the cell phone, not a purse.)

Posted by
3943 posts

Too bad they didn't make pants...a friend had his cargo pants pocket slashed in Spain on the subway (and not even a back pocket!)...didn't even notice for a few hours...passport was in that pocket...what a hassle he had...

Posted by
8115 posts

As long as we're conjuring up theoretical hazards, ask yourself if you want a slashproof purse strap when the thief might be on motor-scooter or motorcycle? Being dragged until it falls off your shoulder isn't a pretty thought. My only actual experience was a (let me use the term for the sake of describing the street event ... ) Gypsy child who opened the zipper on my waist pouch in Rome, while others distracted me, and had my wallet in his hand. Luckily a shopowner hit his elbow and it dropped to the ground. I got it back. But I've used Rick's belt pouch ever since.

Posted by
2844 posts

I have one of these. It's small, so the weight is not an issue. I realize the additional protection is of marginal value, but I feel more relaxed with it, so it's worth it to me for that reason alone.

Posted by
1825 posts

Nothing will give as much piece of mind as a money belt worn under your clothes.

Posted by
88 posts

Wouldn't a digital camera in a money belt be a bit obvious???

Posted by
88 posts

Regarding being dragged by a motorbike: Wouldn't walking as close to the buildings and as far away as the street help? I'll have three other traveling companions with me.

Posted by
389 posts

Jill, That's not going to happen. Don't let fear of such infintesimally small possibilities dominate your thoughts or affect your enjoyment of a place.

Posted by
380 posts

I saw an episode on Travel Channel where they demonstrated slashing the bottom of the purse while distracting you. They said you should keep your wallet in the separate smaller compartment from the main one.
My girlfriend got her thick leather purse slashed while on the bus in Hong Kong. A clean cut. Scary. Luckily for her, it was such a mess inside the thief couldn't find her wallet.

Posted by
10795 posts

We've either witnessed in Naples and have Parisian friends whose bags were snatched by the motor scooter guys in Paris and Naples. Narrow streets, walking with bag on the street side shoulder, bam and it's gone. No slashing though. Further pickpocket info, the French news (channel 2 at 8 p.m. via TV5 Monde) showed a video clip of a little kid picking a wallet from a victim's pocket while covering his hand with a newspaper. Report said the incidents by organized gangs of "Rumanians" (their words, not mine) have increased dramatically. The report showed Rumanian police patrolling alongside French police in Paris to facilitate communication.

Posted by
1568 posts

I prefer to be hands free whether site seeing or getting on and off trains with luggage. That is why I use a Pacsafe Stashsafe 200. It is locked on me and will hold camera and much much more. I use a day back pack if needed.

Posted by
11523 posts

In my opinion a slash proof bag is overkill, but as you already have it, might as well use it,, as long as its comfy for you and not too heavy. I have always used a "normal " purse with a zipper covered with a clasped closed flap. I keep my wallet in an inside zipped pocket. Don't over worry,, just be mindful of anyone within arms reach of you.. don't be too distracted to notice a person standing at your elbow.. Remember, no one can take what they can't reach. There are pickpockets in Europe, but its really not as bad as you think,, just use common sense and you will be fine. I have never put my camera in my moneybelt, its too bulky, only thing in there are my ATM card, my credit card, and my passport and excess( more then one days worth) of cash. I only wear moneybelt when in transit, otherwise I personally use hotel safes , that is a personal choice that has caused me an issue in decades of trips to Europe. Also, pickpockets actually don't want your camera,, they want your cash.

Posted by
46 posts

Rick Steves has loads of info in protecting yourself from pickpockets. 1.Carry a money belt for debit, credit cards, plane tickets, anything that you don't want to lose. 2. Carry only enough cash for the day's expenses in a small wallet. Check out (Rick's message to potential thieves). This wallet should be tucked away where it is not easy for someone else to get to. Pants pockets are not good places. 3. The only bag I carry would be for things such as coat, water, things you can easily replace. Never take anything you don't mind loosing. 4. If I carry a purse, I hang it across my body, then wear a sweater, jacket, or in warm weather, a loose fitting blouse over the top. A purse worn this way can not be ripped off and is almost out of sight. This is also good for carrying a camera. Never wear a fanny bag, they are too easy for pick pockets. My advise is to stay alert to your surroundings. Remember, pick pockets don't all look like gypsies. Don't let pick pockets ruin your trip, but have a great time My husband & I spent several months in Valencia and never had a problem.

Posted by
1 posts

Well, in modern Rome purses are slashed. In 2006, my leather bag was slashed 8 times--and I never knew anyone was nearby--and I am a savvy traveler, always on the alert. Probably while I was in the crowded line for espresso. They couldn't get through the lining (just a regular purse), so they got nothing. And a few years before that an older Roman friend had her purse slashed, and they got her good winter coat.

Posted by
2787 posts

In our 11 months in Europe over the last 12 years, my wife has never carried a purse. She uses a money belt under her outer clothing and puts her day money in a zippered chest pocket in her blouse. I do the same. Luckily, we have never had a problem.

Posted by
8293 posts

I cannot believe that a leather purse was slashed 8 times (!) and the owner of said purse was not aware of this and in fact did not know anyone was close by. Being in a line for an espresso, as she said she was, must entail having people close by, I would have thought. Furthermore if the "slasher" could cut leather 8 times it seems to me cutting the lining would be easy-peasey. Very odd tale.

Posted by
9110 posts

1. A line implies proximity. 2. Zorro only slashed thrice.

Posted by
9371 posts

And the friend had her bag slashed and they "got her good winter coat"? What, it was in the purse?

Posted by
11523 posts

they were able to cut through the leather but not the lining, what was the lining,, chain mail???

Posted by
266 posts

When I was getting ready for a 2 week trip to Europe last month, I was looking at small purses. I came across so many posts about the importance of them being 'slashproof' or 'anti-theft'. I started wondering...are Europeans that afraid to come to the US? I just don't consider Europe to be that dangerous? I mean I know there are pickpockets anywhere, but sometimes when you read these posts it gives the appearance of Spain or Italy being barbaric or something. I agree that it would be annoying to lose your money or passport while traveling, but I think it just takes common sense and your wits about you (much like you would do anywhere in the US)?

Posted by
9371 posts

This is an old thread dug up by a new poster.

Posted by
9308 posts

Yeah, Suzanne signed up just to dig up this thread and tell us about her purse being slashed, not once, but 8 TIMES! Wondering what size of a purse her friend had that was big enough to hold a winter coat too. All a bit bizarre.

Posted by
128 posts

I had a pak-safe fanny pack for Italy 2 years ago. I loved it and never gave my property a second thought. Liked it so much I purchased a light purse for France this fall. I use it just out and about.

Posted by
34427 posts

The activity - where the 8 slashes couldn't get through the lining but could get through leather, and where the best winter coat was somehow inside the purse - was supposed to be in 2006. I make that 7 years ago. It took some time to work up getting ready to tell the story? Things can change in 7 years.