Just back from Paris. What is the scam with the teens annoyingly and persistently trying to get people to sign a piece of paper? I thought I read about this scam, but I did not notice anyone getting pickpocketted while signing the paper.
They're "petitions" to save the whales, enforce human rights, be kind to animals, end world hunger, and similarly blandly attractive goals. You will notice that earlier 'signers' have 'donated' 20 or 40 euros or so in support, and if you sign you'll be hectored to do the same. Most victims end up donating something out of guilt. And guess what, if you do, you've been scammed. The proceeds of your 'donation' go directly to support the charming young scam artists holding the 'petition.'
We politely shook our head no over and overeach time we were approached. I figured they were voleurs! They didn't get any money from us. Although I was annoyed, I couldn't help but admire their work ethic. They would probably be good at sales! Too bad they waste their time on the wrong side of the law.