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Side trip from Koln to Keukenhof Gardens?

We will be in Koln Germany on May 15-16 and are wondering whether we should consider the 2.5-3hr drive each way to Lisse,NE to see the Keukenof Gardens. The gardens are open until May 21, but we don't want to spend a whole day driving there if the flowers will mostly be finished blooming. Any advise?

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191 posts

Hey Tom, if you are staying in Haarlem at the Carillon Hotel, our world got a bit smaller yet.

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191 posts

We were there last year, about 10 days before closing, and consider the time we spent one of the highlights of our four week trip. They pull the blooms off just as soon as the flower begins to wilt... We wanted to say, "hey wait a minute, let us take a picture first!" I do think that a visit to the Keukenhof should be done at least once in your lifetime, so balancing a whole day spent in late season, vs the possiblity of seeing the Garden at an earlier time on another visit is something you will have to judge. I do think that should you decide to go you will be impressed with what you see.
I should add that we are going again, on 4/7. Probably too early for the peak, but we really love the place.

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12040 posts

That's eerie... it appears there will be two Toms from the US who post on at Keukenhof on 7 April...