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should we skip France May15-30 because of the 2 holidays!?

We just stated planning a trip to France May 16 to June 1st, and were about to buy a $550 direct "over the pond" flight, when we started reading about the two 4 day holidays during that timeframe. (Ascension 5-21 to 24, and Pentecost 5-29 to 6-1.

RS says "be ready for unusually big crowds during these holidays."

Should we skip France? I don't want to be fighting the French over rooms, or get stuck in traffic jams (we have been in some of the "stau's"; the horrible German holiday traffic jams) I also wonder if all the hotels will be charging top dollar at that time?

We want to see France, but we want to have fun.

Should we spend 5 days in Paris, then hop on down to Corsica for 5 days, and then Sandinia for 5?

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66 posts

The only dates that are actually public holidays in that period are Thursday 21 May (Ascension) and Monday 1st June (Pentecost). However, these do not correspond with school holidays, which have a much bigger influence on French vacation taking.

Many shops will not close on those days, despite the public holiday status - the traditional religious holidays are not as adhered to as religiously (sic) as they used to be. A few restaurants close, but not the majority.

Because Ascension is a Thursday, some people - mainly those who work a 35-hour week (what a dumb economic policy that is!!!!) and get days in lieu - will "faire le pont" or "make a bridge" by taking Friday as well, for an extra long weekend. But that weekend apart, it will be pretty much business as usual and I wouldn't let it spoil your plans.

I don't know of anyone who puts their prices up for these holidays. Just make sure you've booked your accommodation in advance and you should not have a problem.

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842 posts

Phil, thanks so much for the reply!

Do I understnd correctly that since the 21st and 22nd are not school holidays, that will lessen the amount of people that will go on a 4 day hoilday that weekend?

How bad will the traffic be on the express ways on the 21st and 24? Should I rule those days out as travel days, or will they be not much of a problem?

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66 posts

No, by school holidays what I was referring to were the main school holidays and half term holiday weeks (which vary from region to region, natch!). Ascension and Pentecost days themselves are school holidays but not of the 'lets pile all the family in the car and head for the coast' type, as the kids have to back to school the next day.

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842 posts

Thanks for the info....I'll remember/mark that site.