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shopping areas/choices in Paris

My sister and I will be travelling to Paris next year and while shopping isn't our number one priority, I am interested in anyone's experiences with neighbourhoods and special finds in Paris. I am not looking to go to any designer stores/outlets and I do plan to check out the shops with any of the museums we go to and also try to find a nice perfumery but aside from that....items especially wonderful to find in Paris? or specific streets with nice food shops? Thanks very much.

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2030 posts

With all reaspects to Tom and his Paris guide -- he's a man and his site is not big on shopping.
My sister and I have shopped in Paris several times.
I like the Marais area, and the rue du Rivoli from the Marais down to the Louvre. All the big department stores are good too - Printemps, BHV, Bon Marche, including the Bon Marche Epicerie. Great place for gourmet gift items to take home. Lots of fabulous stores in the St. Germain area too. And all the shops in the museums are great. Really, the shops all over town will almost jump out and hit you wherever you go.

The "Born to Shop Paris" book is very good also for details about virtually every clothing store in Paris (and more).
Have a great time shopping!

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23 posts

I agree with BG the Rue du Rivoli has some great shops to check out and the Marais area is fun to wander and discover for yourself. You might also check out the Monoprix stores. They have some cute clothes that are surprisingly affordable. I also have bought baby gifts there as the baby clothes are adorable and again, very affordable. What fun to give a gift at a baby shower and say "I picked this up in Paris for the baby"!
There are several estate sale shops just across from the Louvre on the Rue du Rivoli that have some very interesting trinkets. I bought a really cute pin shaped like a poodle which I have gotten many, many comments on when I wear it. I poke around in shops that may not look touristy and you would be surprised what you can find!

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194 posts

If you're looking for a nice perfumery, the Annick Goutal shops are great. They have branches all over Paris,but their main branch is at 14 rue de Castiglione in the 1st near the Louvre and Tuileries.

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104 posts

To add to Claire's question, are there any markets in Paris? While in London and Florence, I bought all of my favourite souvenirs at outdoor and covered markets, but I never came across one in Paris - any suggestions?

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3580 posts

In the 5th, there is an outdoor market several days a week at the Maubert Mutualite Metro stop. For sale are clothing, various foods, rugs etc. I've bought colorful scarves there. It's a five-minutes walk from Notre Dame.

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1014 posts

There are open air stalls outside many of the major dept. stores -Printemps, Galleries Lafayette, etc. Also, there are open air markets on Friday, Sat. and Sunday at Porte de St. Ouen. There are blocks and blocks of them. We walked probably 4-5 hours and still did no see all of it.

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360 posts

Caitlin, there are lots of markets in Paris. I have a book titled "Markets of Paris" by Dixon & Ruthanne Long that I bought this fall prior to my trip. It lists lots of markets, their locations & times. Also, you can find many on the internet. Last month, I visited one in the 7th which featured food & clothing mostly & another in the 14th on Sun which sold arts & crafts.

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711 posts

The markets in Paris are wonderful.. I have been to many of them and some of the nicest presents I have taken home have come from them. There is a great book called "The Bread Basket of Paris." It lists all the outdoor markets and some indoor and tells what days they are on, the times, and even what metro to take and where to get off. It is a coffee table book and rather large, but well worth the money. It even has recipes in it.My husband and I like the markets on Rue Moufftard, the President Wilson Market, and the Saxe-Breteuil market.We always go early and walk through and then we get our lunch there.We get olives, bread, cheese, apples , dessert,and have a picnic. We also like the Port de Vannes flea market on Saturday and Sunday. Marvelous little French things you cannot resist.. not at all like our flea markets.We have been to France many times and had not been to to some of the big department stores. This fall we went to the Galleries Layfayette and Bon Marche. Both are big and have several buildings. We like the food building of Bon Marche and often get a sandwich and other goodies and go to a nearby park to eat. Believe it or not, over 10 years ago we were walking through Bon Marche and I found this wonderful camel-hair blanket that was soooo soft I had to have it... king sized. Bought it , went to the suitcase man on Rue Cler, got a duffel bag, and brought it home.Now, when we are snuggled up in it, I think of Paris.Don't forget that in the Metro you can listen to and purchase some fine music. We always bring home some CD's from the groups we hear in the Metro.

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104 posts

Thanks for all of the great market suggestions - I will save them for my next trip to Paris!