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Seville or Granda

We are planning a trip to Spain this September.
Any thoughts on whether we just do Seville as a day trip (or 2) from Arcos or really need to stay the night. We are planning a few nights in Granada. Mostly I want to see some Flamenco dancing. Will we get that in Granada or do we need to stay in Seville too?

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4555 posts

You can find excellent Flamenco in both cities. But if you're already planning to spend some time in Granada, there's no need to stay in Sevilla. I love Sevilla, but if your time's limited, you don't have to make it an overnight stay.

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6788 posts

On the other say you "are planning a few nights in Granada." Granada is certainly not to be missed, but if your time is short, I'm not sure that I would spend 3 (my definition of "a few") nights there. Consider spending 2 nights in Granada and one in Seville? Depends on your "days" and other factors, of course, but if you're looking at 4-5 days overall, with 3-4 in Granada and less than a full day in Seville, I'd steal a day or so from Granada and spend a bit more time in Seville.

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204 posts

Was all over Spain last year and Seville gets my vote over Granada. Hotel Alcantara was really central and next door was a traditional Flamenco evening presented by the university students - Flamenco guitar as well all for 10 Euros - Rick Steves recommends the hotel - you might e-mail them for advice if they will have the same thing available next door at the theatre. The city is beautiful. I found Granada to be too busy.

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705 posts

Louise, my favorite place in Spain is the Alhambra. It is absolutely beautiful but personally I would spend more time in Sevilla than Granada. I recommend that you definitely stay a night or two in Sevilla. Check out this website for lots of information about Sevilla:

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632 posts

Most will tell you that Madrid may be the capital of Spain, but Seville is the soul of's not to be missed.

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25 posts

Thanks everyone for your comments. Have decided that we definately need to do both, and probably more time in Sevilla than Granada. Thanks for the websites.

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81 posts

Yes Alhambra is a must do in Grenada but be careful about the tour slots, they are often sold out and it is strongly recommended to prebook. On European sites like or you can prebook guided tours as well as the Flamenco shows, tapas tours, cruises etc.

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14 posts

Hi Louise, I just returned from Spain and I agree with those who have said less time in Granada and more time in Sevilla. I did love Granada and it took a long time to do the Alhambra but while in Spain my base was Sevilla and I never got bored. I went to the flamenco show that is next to the Alcantara Hotel, it is called, Casa de Memorias, and it was excellent. Flamenco is very serious. I saw three flamenco shows, one in a cave in Granada, one in a bar environment, and the one at Casa de Memorias. They were all different and enjoyable. Also went to Ronda, which I loved! Have fun...Karen

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14 posts

Also...make sure you buy your Alhambra tickets online. There were many disappointed tourists who couldn't get into the Alhambra the day I was there. I also booked my train from Sevilla to Granada (I think it is es, maybe .com)