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Sevilla to Tarifa via Arcos or Rhonda?

We will be traveling from Sevilla to Tarifa in July. We'd like to stop off for a few hours in either Arcos or Rhonda on the way. Is the bus the best option for this? If so, what can we do with luggage during the there storage in either bus station? I haven't had much luck with information on the Movales website.

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We had a car and drove from Sevilla to Tarifa - check if train or bus go there- then we went to Tangiers- the hydrofoil. then drove to Rhonda. We also went to Arcos but I preferred Rhonda - a lot more to do. You would have to check with someone regarding buses. Rhonda is further east than Arcos and may not be as easily accessable by bus based on the time frame you have.