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Sevilla to Arcos and Morocco to Sevilla time and frequency of bus

Hi there, We will be taking the train to Sevilla from Madrid and want to visit Sevilla during the day before heading to Arcos. Does anyone know when the last bus out to Arcos from Sevilla generally leaves and how long it takes? Additionally, is there a bus that takes you from Morocco to Sevilla in the evening? Any options, suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated!

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From what I can tell, there is a 18:00 (6PM) that arrives at 20:00. There is no bus from Morocco to Seville. That requires taking a ferry across the Straits of Gibraltar from various ports including Tarifa, Algeciras, and Gibraltar. Train or bus connection would be made back to Seville. Basically, a day trip from Seville to Morocco is not possible.