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Senior reduced admissions?

Do such things as senior reduced rates for museums exist in Paris? Spain was wonderful about that. Some places were even free (I think the Fundacio Miro was one of them - and it was wonderful.) Other places were often half price. Pretty nice.
And what about Amsterdam, Berlin, and Buenos Aires?

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11507 posts

I think in Paris the seniors discounts are only available to EU citizens.. but there are a few free museums, the two I can think of ,, the Shoah ( Halocaust) Museum in the Marias and the Carnlevent ( think I spelt that wrong) are both free and both very good.

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23457 posts

The only place we have found that consistently offered discounts to US seniors was Spain. You can ask elsewhere but mostly it is restricted to EU seniors. Have no idea about Buenos Aires since it is not in Europe.

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97 posts

Darn. Wonder if there is an AARP international....

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2876 posts

@ Nigel - if I'm not mistaken, back in 1945 that Berlin to Buenos Aires route was pretty popular.

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97 posts

Buenos Aires would be a different trip. But I like the idea of traveling from B to B places : ) Barcelona, Berlin, BA, Bali, Beijing.... : )

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32253 posts

Linda, From what I've observed in Europe, Senior's Discounts are usually only available to E.U. residents. This is sometimes corroborated by the Guidebooks. There seems to be a difference between countries in terms of what age they recognize one as being a "Senior". I can qualify for some Senior's discounts here, but I'm not 65 yet so can't qualify for all of them. I'll have to check my CARP membership to see if they have any information on discounts in Europe. Cheers!

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7529 posts

FWIW, when I was at the Castle of the Count (Gravensteen) in Gent, Belgium in 2010, they cheerfully offered me a discount for age 60, and accepted a photocopy of my passport page as proof.

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295 posts

Well, I'm 63 and I usually get the senior discount (we spend 8 weeks every summer in Europe). French rail is really nice about it. I think they extend it to you more often if you request it in French or in German. Some preparation with the correct terms and rules helps you along - the web sites are pretty good sources for the guidelines. Museum and rail staff are some of the friendliest people along the way, in my experience.

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295 posts

No, retired and unemployed aren't the same for France. You can get an extended visa to stay for 6 months (or more) when you prove you are retired with sufficient income and medical insurance for Europe. They are quite happy to have you spend your retirement dollars (as Euros) in France, so long as you won't be a burden on the medical system or look for a job.

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337 posts

Here in Berlin the State Museums of Berlin (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), do not grant reduced ticket prices for any seniors or retirees -- German, EU, or otherwise.
That is also true for the German History Museum (DHM), the Fernsehturm and the Checkpoint Charlie Museum. Actually the only organization of even marginal interest for tourists offering senior rates here in Berlin that I know of is the "Stern- und Kreisschifffahrt", a company offering river sightseeing cruises.